Help me please !!!

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Commander in Chief
Your problems are so common that a simple Google query would throw up the answers right on top. Do it the clever way ;)


can u provide me with some of those googling tips coz i get irrelevant links more than those which are of really great help...i tried wid advanced search but no use...can u plz enlighten me wid ur knowledge...


Beware of the innocent
christ... I feel like God already, axe effect, will you stop buttering us up?
Calling us all geniuses and now asking for enlightenment. :-D
Anyway.. here is a link and how to go about it
selected link : *

just try to do the search with the main phrase
eg to search for a program to find prime numbers you could use a phrase you think another person would use when explaining the program. Say "program to find if a number is prime" Then just append c or c language to the end.
Some of the programs might need some more research.


Commander in Chief
Yep, simple keywords which are minimal are the key to good results. Like:
pascal triangle c
Or a bit cleverly:
pascal triangle "stdio"
For forcing C-only results.


@ ilugd

hey i m not flattering u...i m not tht TECHIE sort ...i hv very basic knowledge abt computers...i was googlin for these c programs n came across this think digit forum dunno frm i decided to join it..

n seriously pals i aint jokin..i m really a computer illilerate..even i dun hang up late nights on computer...its juz coz this assignment i m here...

thx qm...i ll keep it in mind now..
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Beware of the innocent
hey, take it easy. Just friendly chitchat. But we are no geniuses, we are just good at what we do. And on a relative scale we are definitely not even experts. Well most of us anyway. There are some geniuses around. :)
Hope you assignments got solved.
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i think quite similar to you...i ll edit tht...its for this is kept this nick axe_effect...:D i ll delete this...

try getting any text book for C
you will find Most programs there

You can get any of them:-
Let us ''C'' - Yashwant Kanetkar
Programming in ANSI C - E Balagurusamy
The C Programming Language -Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
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18 Till I Die............
piyush gupta said:
^^i thinks Let US C by YPK is better book for a newbie
Dunno about others but I find it the other way around. Little that I've read of both the books I found KnR better though it requires one to take a bit more effort at first. Then again, each one will have their own opinions to this.

piyush gupta

Cyborg Agent
mehul i was saying...

if u wanna learn C by examples and simple programs and u now a little about computers go to let us C

and for exams and C theory go for Ansi C by balaguruswamy

and for technical C go for
The C Programming Language -Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie

After finish all these books read

Tet your c skills by YPK

~Lil JinX~

*Basket Case*
Something ain't right here. You say your teacher is "incompetent" (which I highly doubt. No college/university is going to hire teachers with little knowledge of what they're to teach. 3 months of C? Thats more than enough to learn the basic syntax. What you REALLY need as a programmer is a good sense of logic)

You are learning C in class, right? So you should be having some sort of reference material. What I can see here is someone too lazy to bother to learn, and someone who is trying to get it the easy way. Geez, instead of waiting for replies here, you could have gone through any notes/references that you have and figure them out. If you don't have any, try this:


Sorry, I'm not really going to help with this, since its downright cheating. I don't think that anyone else should be writing these programs either. If you want, giving some hints and pointing her in the right direction is a better way to go about this.
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Google Bot
^^ w3schools is for web programming not c/c++ etc..
Unless u consider that c and php use the same logic in simple programs..

~Lil JinX~

*Basket Case*
Thanks, edited the link >_< My net really is pathetic. I thought w3schools had programming tutorials as well.


Beware of the innocent
axe_effect, you really need to listen to lil jinx. You just ran out of excuses. If youknow what I mean.
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