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Broken In
I have a 3.4 Ghz Pc with an intel MoBo - D915GAV
It heats up Reeeaally fast - like 10 mins - to 52 degrees.
Should i buy a new cabinet? (i have mercury)
Or should i try some software?
Or should i buy a cooling kit? (not too expensive)


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Now to suggest u with a sensible idea,i would recommend u to please buy a bigger cabinat as well as cooling solutions for ur system>please also check that u hv provided the GEL around ur chip for better heat dissipation and to cool it properly.....

Its better to equip ur cabinet with 2 fans,i.e: one fan at the front of ur cabinet to suck in fresh and cool air and another fan at the rear to throw out the used and hot air from ur system.......But please postition the fans properly as if not done properly,the air will not flow inside ur system properly causing it to overheat....

cheers n e-peace.....


Apart from this there have been a lot of discussions on heating issues. Go through them as well as you will find quite a bit of information.
Also try downloading SP2 for win xp as that also helps. This processor is generally prone to over heating so you are not the only one. Dont worry!!!
Get some extra fans installed and make sure you keep the cabinet where it gets enough ventilation from all sides.


Broken In
I already have SP2
what company cabinet should i buy?
Say Antec? is that okay?
Also, I have one of those computer tables with a slot for the CPU
So what can I do?
Temps - Processor Zone - 64C
System Zone 1 - 51C
System Zone 2 - 51C

Comp table is something like this
(sorry no digicam heheh)
| | |
| | |
| CPU | |
|<12 inch>| |
| | |
| | |


Broken In
Oops. Guess that didnt go very well....
Ok in words: The width of the CPU slot is 12 inches
The height is about 10 inces higher than the CPU


Cyborg Agent
Intel based Sytem......hmmm
Intel original board....hmmmmm
CPU which has Prescott Core.........doesnt sound good. :lol:
3.4 Ghz stock speed........may god be with you. :wink:


Wise Old Owl
Yeah the Prescotts are prone to heating up, especially the 3.4GHz one. But can you tell us which cabinet and power supply you are currently using? Also, how many fans does the cabinet have? Where are they placed? Adding more fans and getting a roomier cabinet should help you :D


In the zone
Why not make a hole in the case and use small AC fan to cool the system? Those servers use 12V DC fans but they make so much noise you can not use them in your bedroom. Using an AC fan also saves you from using a bigger power supply as the Fans usually take 10-20 Watts and it also sends inductive pulses back onto the power supply and mother board.


yes sunmysore has a point try for a bigger heat sink that will definately be a good solution and easy one at that..............the rest will all take plenty of time and patience to work out.


Broken In

Go for ThermalRight XP 120. Its a great heat heat sink. Do u know somebody who is returning from US? :!:

I wonder why such products are not sold in our country!


Wise Old Owl
8" fans with molex power connectors are available for as low as 80/-.Buy 2 of them nd attach one at the lower front part of the cabinet from inside such that the sticker is pointed inwards(sucks air inside). Connect the other fan at the upper rear end of the cabinet from inside with the "sticker" pointing out(throws air outside).
Try this nd see if it solves.(as it is not so expensive task).
If it doesn't solve go for a better cabinet with at least on eslot for fan on lower front nd upper rear.

Or U can do as what AlienTech said.
Make a hole to fit the 8" fan on the cabinet side panel opp to the CPU nd attach the fan as if it throws cool air from outside to the CPU.


Wise Old Owl
Antec cabinets would overkill in terms of price. U can get god local cabinets if U set out for them nd search teh local computer stores.
My cabinet costs less than1000 nd has two slots for fan on rear nd one on the front. So dont go for expensive brands. Double check Urself before choosing a cabinet.


Broken In
well direct_2d 52c is not to high. because
1. u are living in india where ambient temp is very high than europian countries.
2. u are using a processor which is at it's limit wrt it's architecture.
3. ur processor can handle up to 65deg. up till 60 no problem.
so the most u can do is place your pc in some cool part of your house. and make ur cabinet airy (don't go for very costely cabinet just for cooling,they will not make any big diff.).
NOTE-if possible put ur pc in a ac room.but don't put in front of a cooler bcoz cooler's air is very humid and on a humid day it can condence water on mobo's circuit.AND DON'T COMPARE UR TEMPERATURES WITH THOSE U FOUND ON NET BECAUSE THEY ARE FROM EUROPIAN COUNTRIES WHERE AMBIENT TEMP IS LESS THAN HALF OF OURS.
so happy computing :D :D :D
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