HD 7850 not getting detected. help needed.

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Broken In
Yesterday i bought a sappihire 7850 2gb.. but i am facing huge problem with installation.. i connect 6pin power conecter with d card & set in pci slot
properly(8 time checked)
but d hardware is not detected..i got display in vga standard display.. i install d cat driver like 12.6,12.7beta,12.4 etc etc.(every driver causing same pblm).

i also set disable internal graphics... and pci is also defalt slot...
(Same problem)
when i opend d ccc this msg showing 'no amd graphics driver is instald...' and stil displaying at vga standard display.. i updated latest bios & windows...
(same problem)
what should i do??pls help anyone...

my config..

Hrdware information...

Asus m5a88 v evo
amd phenom ii x4 965 blk edtn
crosair xms3 4gb ddr3
250gb hdd
crosair gs600
acer 19" LED
Zeb aviator

Sotfware information...

Win 7 ultimate(all up 2 date xpect sp1)
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Gaming Unlimited
Re: OMG!!Pls Help..Pls help!!!PLs help!!anyone!!!

When you connect 6pin power connector to GPU and power on computer. Check if the fan rotates. If yes test it on your friend's computer else you got DOA card. Go and exchange the card if possible, else RMA it.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Re: OMG!!Pls Help..Pls help!!!PLs help!!anyone!!!

first off.. reset BIOS. then set the display output to AutoDetect or external gfx. connect the monitor to the GFX card. once this is done check if you are getting any display(BOIS/POST screen) .. reply after check these.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: OMG!!Pls Help..Pls help!!!PLs help!!anyone!!!

@ OP - power off pc - remove the CMOS battery from mobo - put it back again after 5 mins - if the issue not solved format your OS install partition and install a fresh copy of the OS - update windows and install drivers from manufacturer's website.


Broken In
Problem solved guys:shock:...Many many thanks for your valuable replys:thumbs:.. Its solved when i install d driver manually from device maneger.. and its on!!!!!!!! :hyper::hyper::shock::shock::hyper:
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