Let me add some of my hardware experience too:
Seagate Sata Hard Disks - Will take our data and run to Bahamas. I have 3 of them sitting on garage trash and 2 more inside my PC waiting to be kicked out. If you care for your data, then never ever buy a Seagate disk..period..
iphone series - overpriced and too much hype.
Odyssey and similar weight-less PSU's <-- TERMINATORS of our Rig. Atleast buy a CM starting series or Seasonic ones.
Photon+ Broadband Connection - Can u call it a Broadband???
XFX Nvidia 6200LE AGP Card - A toaster inside your PC!!! I think this model is not in sale anymore. However those who got it are trying to get rid of it on ebay and everywhere. Even if someone offer it for Free, never touch that card.
more stuffs running thru my mind...maybe later..