Hardware price list/spec sheet



EXIT: DATA Junkyard
But among the E6500K and Athlon II X2 245(less than 70$), the Athlon II X2 245 get's my vote, as E6500K would cost at least 5k plus 1.5k for a CPU cooler, that takes it up to 6.5k. Now for 6.5k, the New Propus Quad Cores will be coming. SO INTEL, AMD wins again.


Please recommend 5.1 speaker setup for my home theater. I'm gonna buy a DVD player (as i pointed out in my thread) and a TV to accompany.

I'm considering the Logitech X-540 as I can see rave reviews everywhere. But I looked it up and couldnt find it for less than 5k newhr. Where can I find it for 4.2k as mentioned on the first page?
Logitech X540 5.1 @ 4.2k
Also, it seems this one has a wired remote. I have a Creative 2.1 speaker setup on my PC and it has a wired remote. I bought it 3 yrs ago and for the past yr or so, sound comes from only one spkr. Whn i press the scroll button on the remote, sound comes from both spkrs and as soon as I release it, only one spkr works and that too if I keep it at certain points (eg at max or at 6 or 1). Even if i keep it at 2, the sound refuses to work. If i dc the remote, the spkr doesnt work. I would like to avoid this mess with my new spkr setup.

Plz advise. The primary use of this setup will be to watch movies and to listen to music sometimes.

ADDED: Budget for speakers is 5k.
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But among the E6500K and Athlon II X2 245(less than 70$), the Athlon II X2 245 get's my vote, as E6500K would cost at least 5k plus 1.5k for a CPU cooler, that takes it up to 6.5k. Now for 6.5k, the New Propus Quad Cores will be coming. SO INTEL, AMD wins again.
Don't consider the PDC E6500K as a CPU with added cooler cost. If you intend to overclock you would use a cooler anyway and with a 1.5k cooler, even if E6500K costs its name (Rs. 6500 :p) you would have 5GHz clock speeds easily. Definitely worth it if you want the best dual core around.

But yes, it would end up competing with Phenom II X2 550BE and then I doubt it would survive due to the huge mismatch and the extra 2 cores available.

Athlon II X2 245 should be compared with E5200, E5300 and E5400 instead.

j1n M@tt

Cyborg Agent

I read some reviews showing E6500K at 4GHz+ on normal Intel HSF overclocked just by increasing the multiplier and reducing the actual clock speed. But took 1.5v+ vCore and the temps was very high, about some 70C...then guess how it is gonna entertain a overclocker with an after-market cooler??!!!

and only in gaming AII X2 245 hav advantage over E5300 and E5400...so it comes no where near E6500K


Bond, Desi Bond!
cool. So, what do you guys say? can we recommend this to overclockers requesting configuration in TDF over Phenom II X2 550?


Super Moderator
Staff member
sorry it was ME who posted that (mods can edit posts you know :p)

Not a prob buddy :p
Posted again:
cool. So, what do you guys say? can we recommend this to overclockers requesting configuration in TDF over Phenom II X2 550?

I'm gonna recommend it to all who wants a best gaming rig based on intel
& don't want to spend a fortune on e8xxx or e7xxx series :p

e6500K @ 2.93 GHz (11.0 x 266 MHz). So it has great OC potential. The price ot the CPU $89 coupled with Hyper TX3 $ 19 makes it a sweet deal
as you can bag the whole deal under $110 which does not cost more than 5.5K.

OC the e6500K to 3.6Ghz or 3.8 & you have got a winner in your hand. So it's the best one intel users can get under 5.5K .

Now lets imagine e6500K Rs. 4500 & SBCCF 120mm Rs. 2.5K = 7K.

Oc this to 4 - 4.5Ghz & it can beat virtually any dual core & even some quad cores out there :p
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EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Nothing can beat X2 550 dudes. Just don't forget this that by being excited by numbers as measly as 4, that 4GHz on a budget gamer's cards is impractical.
About the E6500K I have the following comments:

1. Its not even OUT yet in India. Till it comes stop speculating about prices.

2. By the time it arrives you will have Athlon II X4 CPUs available at 6.5K.

3. These days more and more programs are quad core optimized.

4. 3.6K of Athlon II X2 245 is a much more "spendable" amount for those wanting a budget but future proof (easy to upgrade) rig.

5. *THE* main reason I like to consider the Phenom II X2 550 is because it not just overclocks wonderfully, but it can become a quad core on unlocking.

6. Ever wondered what you can do with a 3.4K uber quality air cooler or decent water cooler and Athlon II X2 245 for 3.6K (7K in total, same as that for E6500K with cooler) ? Get the temps down enough and you can raise it to 5GHz+. Remember that AMD K10.5 loves cold.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
^^ U kidding? Athlon's are better than Phenoms since they are the same architecture minus L3 Cache, and loads of TRANSISTORS.

The thing is, no one has tried it out as it has been overshadowed by the mighty prowess of X2 550.


Phenom II X2 545 3GHz @ 5k

Athlon II X2 250 3GHz @ 4.2k

Athlon II X2 245 2.9GHz @ 3.7K
Athlon II X2 240 2.8GHz @ 3.4k

AMD Sempron 140 2.7GHz @ 2.3k (UNLOCKS TO Athlon II X2 confirmed!)
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In the zone
I'm thinking of buying a new processor within 4k. I was wondering about the Athlon X2 240(cause da cheaper da better). Will it cause a significant performance decrease from the 250? Which one do you guys suggest to buy?

Can it be easily overclocked??
I'm thinking of buying a new processor within 4k. I was wondering about the Athlon X2 240(cause da cheaper da better). Will it cause a significant performance decrease from the 250? Which one do you guys suggest to buy?

Can it be easily overclocked??
240 is worth it definitely.

In the fab plant, it comes from same silicon as 250. only clock speed is different. overclocking ability everything is same. only that 250 is marginally better and able to run at 200MHz higher at default settings.

I suggest you get Athlon II X2 240.
Posted again:
EDIT: Made some updates to the first post by bolding and unbolding stuff.

comp@ddict: do you seriously think HD4550 is worth 2.9K compared to paying Rs. 600 more for HD4650 ? I mean the best RV710 card (4550) can't TOUCH the worst RV730 card (4650).
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EXIT: DATA Junkyard


HardDisk Drives:

Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 320GB @ 2.5k
Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB @ 2.9k
Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 1TB @ 4.4k

Western Digital Caviar Blue 320GB @ 2.5k
Western Digital 500GB SATA @ 3k
Western Digital Caviar Blue 640GB @ 3.5k
Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB @ 5k
Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB @ 5.6k

Samsung SpinPoint F2 EcoGreen 500GB @ 2.7k
Samsung SpinPoint F1 1TB @ 4.7k

Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.B 500GB @ 3k
Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.B 1TB @ 4.6k

That's because HD4550 consumes half the power and eats half the space of HD4650, and yet comes close in performance.
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Broken In
Guys,i need details of cheapest mobo-cpu (both Intel and AMD ) which support DX10.
Also suggest a mobo for AMD 7750
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Bond, Desi Bond!
mobo for 7750: Gigabyte MA78GM-US2H for 4.2k-4.5k or there are biostart 780G boards that cost around 3k-3.5k

for Intel, E5200+G31 board should cost around 5.5k-6k (2.9k+2.7k)
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