Broken In
i have to hard disk in my pc.
Samsung 80 GB- 2 partition all 40 gb
Samsung 250 GB-4 partition all 40gb.
I have old model MSI mother board with amd 2800 athlon processor. During boot up some misunderstand the RAID array enabled and the HARD Disk fully erased and showing unpartitioned.
Now how can i recovery my data. I had never format the hard disk bcoz of loss data by partitioning it.
so can any body tell me. by which tool i formate my harddisk and which software i use to recovery my data.

Samsung 80 GB- 2 partition all 40 gb
Samsung 250 GB-4 partition all 40gb.
I have old model MSI mother board with amd 2800 athlon processor. During boot up some misunderstand the RAID array enabled and the HARD Disk fully erased and showing unpartitioned.
Now how can i recovery my data. I had never format the hard disk bcoz of loss data by partitioning it.
so can any body tell me. by which tool i formate my harddisk and which software i use to recovery my data.