Gujarat riots a genocide; Modi sanctioned it: Tehelka

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The cake is a lie!!!
^^ whatever the case but u cant deny such things did happen ...... as a decent human being we should be ashamed of such happenings in society.


Senior Member
the title of the thread is wrong and are being one-sided.. modi did not sanction it. whatever happened was in retaliation. it should not have happened. actually, indians are much more tolerant towards other cultures than anyone else...esp when you compare us to our neighbours like pakistan and bangladesh...where human rights are violated daily on the streets...religious extremism is at its peak in those countries...and india is turning a blind eye to it. very sad. even in kashmir..where the minority community is under constant thread. pandits are frequent targets of terrorists in kashmir. yet, indian govt is thinking of pulling troops out. very sad...


Still in war with allies
Why People forget 1984 Sikh genocide , which was accomplished by Rajiv gandhi and Co ...

Since Muslims are big vote bank for seculars thats why only they are remembered ...


Wise Old Owl
Some "Smart" People ask to Vote us to the right candidate.......

Two guys stood up for elections [Both had criminal record and a bunch od **** to go with that] as others just "pulled off"

Now prob is whom to Vote?

One with 5 Murder cases or one with 4 murder case and 2 theft charges?

Same happens when you think of voting for any Party.


faraaz said:
@qadirahmed: Dude...although I am a Muslim, same as you...I have only 2 things to say here:

1) This thread is going to get flamed so damn bad, I'm unsubscribing right now...dont want to check in just to read another religious diatribe.

2) You are the reason Muslims' name all over the world is screwed up and I think you need to either shut up or open your eyes. There are plenty of things wrong with our community that we need to fix before we point fingers at anyone else. Shame on you.

@ Tech wiz....
Nice question dude...... i think we must not vote any one let the governor rule it once...

Au revoir amigos! I'm off this thread now...
first of all am going to reply this guy..... soon ill reply to all if i can....

thanks for unsubscribed this thread u better stay away from here we need not ur comments here....... first go and learn our religion..... Good Bye u coward........ dont reply again......

@ gauvay : Dude am not talking about Our school days... am talking about todays school subjects..... soon ill prove it...... its ok Dude i didnt mind any of ur word....


Evil Genius
@qadir: Yo dude, you ain't going to get rid of me that easy! :)

Learn our religion? What about it? About how we exploit and abuse women, and call it right? Or the fact that MANY of us are complicit in the atrocities taking place across the world? I get it...Muslims are abused and discriminated against across the world, and so some of them retaliate...but this is a vicious, neverending circle which is going to end up with the Middle East nuked and communal riots all over India...

What else you want me to learn about our religion? About how intolerant it is? Arey yaar, atleast the Hindus and Christians acknowledge other faiths, and are more accepting of different beliefs...what do we say? Kill them all!? They are all Kaafirs and are by default, at birth into any religion other than Islam, condemned to hell unless they convert?

One more thing...I do namaaz everyday, I keep my rozas, I dont drink, I don't eat pork, I believe in Allah, and I do everything a good Muslim is supposed to. But if you are telling me to act like the small, narrow-minded sonofa'gun' (got warned already so I will refrain from foul language here) YOU are...I'm sorry. I'm better than that.


Wise Old Owl
calm down guys....lets not to much personal :)

PS: I really feel that India Needs a good dictator :D
Faith in Democracy .. I am loosing it ... Just my personal view... nothing more. :)

Or atleast ban any guy for Life time to contend in any elections if any of the criminal activity is proved against him. [Well if this happens it will be real shortage of candidates in Bihar atleasrt :D]
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left this forum longback
I believe minority rights are well preserved in India compared to Bangladesh or Pakistan.
But...lately we are witnessing a violent face of Hinduism through RSS,ABVP(students) etc.ppl like Narendr Modi and Praveen Togadia is trying to do what the title says genocide to some extent :rolleyes: there is no unity in diversity inside *most* indians.I think people should be first be proud and courteous to their nation rather than religion.if India became instable due to this religious problems created by [..] it will affect the total South asia too.wars and more and more loss to first nation,then religion-which you can keep it to yourself.


this link is for my foolish Brother faraaz

and i request to other member also to watch this video and understand better about islam..... and i request to watch related videos too.....

@ Tech wiz...... Bro superb thought... and good example of Ananth singh...
but when our thought will come in rule.....? and what we have to do for it....?

@ paraka..... Double meaning post....

Be ready Guys in my next reply am good to post some TRUTH, with video which is going to shock u ppls.....


CG Artist
@qadirahmed noone here disrespects any religion especially i respect all the religions.And i am not big enough to criticise any religion,so if some people think bad about your religion let them think.Every religion has its weak points.


Evil Genius
@qadirahmed: mistake...I thought that inspite of your evangelical zeal, you would be intelligent enough to realise the difference between what the actual Quran says we should do and what cock ups like yourself are practicing in real life. Don't believe me? Have a look around Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan...or hell why not India only??

If you don't get my are just as bad as a stereotypical fanatic is made out to be.


Still in war with allies
The abrahmic faiths are very intolerant when comes to give respect to other faiths , whether its judaism ,christanity or Islam .

Ever heard riots between Jainism ,Buddhism ,Sikhism's and Zoroastrianisms with hinduism ,

The abrahmic faith consider that God is their personal property ,

The bloody crusades between Moslems and christians , both wanted heaven by destroying themselves but always found themselves in hell


My oh my, this thread is goin haywire. a piece of advice, "Everyone read his own Scriptures". To each his own.
For the Quran rightly says, in Surah Kaafirun. surely, in it is a lesson for those who understand.

"I worship not that which you worship,

Nor will you worship that which I worship.

To you, be your religion; and to me, my religion."

discuss sumthin more productive n dat which would help the cause, nt worsen it n render the thread useless.


Beyond the call of duty
qadirahmed said:
If i tell what the hindusim teaching in schools then....... here it goes
you ppls worship to each and every thing sorry its none of my matter… u ppls worship to cow too… so this is what u teach in schools….. if a muslim slaughter 10 cows in a year (our god) so if we kill 2 muslims in a year then how many cows would get their life back….? So prevent 20 cows what we have to do…….?
This is the things u ppls teach in schools

can u explain me why that verses have said to......? without knowledge of it dont talk any thing..... as per she said in video..... if u take the verses out of context u loose the meaning of it.... even there is lot of war rules in our religion better u gone and read it first.....
sorry dont request me to explain it here...

first of all Mind ur language...... me too know to speak ur language better than u..... ( you coward)..... we are being shut untill any one take a finger on us..... u dont know what america planing is......? india is going to sale very soon in hands of america By come on now tell me from where the terrorists are getting weapons from.........? have u ever thnk about it....? it sold by america..... Does America found the n. Bomb in iraq......? the first Terrorist is America..... sorry ur not going to understand this coz its out of ur range

its a compulsary rule for muslims not to do business on the time of friday prayer........ if they are forced to non muslim... then u must talk them instead of making it as a big issue....

Dont worry this will not happen in ur's nor in my life time coz... jews, and chirst wont let it to be come calm.... if it become calm..... then who would buy their weapons.......? see india has joined in too....
so stop worrying about kashmir and start thinking some thing else

What do u know about kashmir......? i know better than u.. what is happening there

what do u mean by indian..........? like fool....? if the indian cricket team would win the cup to appreciate and if loose then to throw stone at their house....? like this or to worship each and every stone's and under water bridge......?

How could u see.......? there is a screen in ur eyes.... Now tell me who are they who killed black ppls........ wont they are terrorists....? who are the srilankan ltt......? freedom fighters.....? (i have a big list to mention) if Just a person who name will be like a muslim if he do slap to any human media would say him like a Terrorist....

Here I wish to tell u one story… in America an American citizen saved a woman from dog bite next day news paper says our nation super hero saved a woman from dog bite

If that person would be a Indian, news paper would say, a foreigner saved a woman from dog bite

If that would be a muslim, then new paper would say, a muslim terrorist had attacked a dog.. this is what is happening wit ours

You better go and say this information to America they would reward u....

what is meant by acc....?

if he/she would not follow any of the verse of BOOK then he/she would not be a muslim

see by our sight u would find the peace.... and intelligence tooo

Best of luck

I pity this guy, I have never ever learned anything like this in my schools,I think he comes from some ill served madrasa (few) where only hatefull things about other religions are taught. Yes we worship everything b'cos we belive everything is gods gift and every living being has every right to live its own life to its fullest. We do not eat cow b'cos that's our way of thanking it for the milk it gives us. when our feet accidentally touches other animal or people we ask for forgivness which actually is for forgivness for the god inside that soul, so apply your mind before critisizing others beliefs.

India did not get sold to U.S through nuclear deal. so that subject can be closed, Yes the biggest terrorist is America & the worst are religious fundamentalists caste no bar.

Kashmir ???? yes i know that thousands of kashmiri pundits were killed in front of their parents and children, their women folks gang raped brutally before being murdered. This was possible by the terrorists as kashmiri muslims (fundamentalist) had supported the terrorists. Now the original people i.,e, kashmiri pandits are living like orphans out of their states/homes.
I don't think your heart is weeping for these people.

Indians are not the only ones who threw stones at indian cricket teams home when we lost the match, pakistan bangladesh teams had to face music from their homecrowds when they lost matches.
What is wrong in believing a story of underwater bridge and worshipping it ?
muslims have been tredging around mecca where a stone is placed inside a building. they throw stones at imaginary satan. Though koran says that worshipping of any structure or imagining a structure as god is wrong, muslims build mosques & tombs over dead people (Ajmer dargah for ex.) and call them holy, is this not against islam and its ideology.

Muslims are targetted and labelled as terrorist and not other religions, this is mainly due to the fact that though there are terrorists in hindu religion like LTTE, naxals etc, they do not defend their acts of terrorism in the name of god or holy books.

Last but not least. during the time of independence both side people got killed while partition. At that time the Hindu population in pakistan was roughly around 15% and in India the Muslim population roughly around 1.5%
The recent census in both the countries put the population in their respective countries as 0.8-0.9% of Hindus in pakistan and 16-17% of muslims in India. tell me now as to which country/religion is more tolerant towards others, or is their anyway that i can hear you raising voice agianst minority bashing in pakistan, can you name a few Hindu ministers or a military generals in pakistan. Have you read the novel Lajja by the bangladeshi story writer (do not remember her name), if not read it once and think about what kind of life hindus have gone through in those countries. Can you name a single muslim country where there is a seperate law for minority comunity, a president from minority community etc,
Quadir be proud that you are born in India, if only you were born in pakistan by this time you would be kidnapped for training in terrrorism & then dead labelled a terrorist.

As for the dog bite story of yours go, have you saved a woman being chased by a dog anywhere, i don't think so, i think you waited to make sure if she cried Jesus, Hey ram or Hai allah.


left this forum longback
Islamists are against sufi islam(a milder form of islam) ie Darga's,saint(Avlia) etc.fundemantists consider sufists also kaafir.

I heard Hitler's Book(mein kamph?) is followed by nazis.the same goes to this.I think teachings of madarssas shud be stopped and instead convert them to English medium school giving this kids proper education and treat others as humans.the most hate generating thing is there way to isolate themself from any culture,be it india or any non-muslim majority country.the parda and burkha culture means women are subdued into their homes.women can be beaten.NGC showed an afghan shop owner beating a women in public with belt.(but this act will help western separatist feminists to have some vision what their males are allowing for equality)

regarding gang rape of Kashmiri pundits women :( ,this is taught in that book which i cannot say explains that after a war,killing kaafirs or converting or slavery them,there women being war booti can be enjoyed by these human animals.

Unlike a Hindu or a Christian,Islam denies ex-muslims.death is the official penalty as per their law.
I believe in the coming 1-2 decades people will face the reality of is another much more cruel form of nazism.west slowly understanding the menace.many european,us and australian countries are checking middle-east like people including Indians in suspicion of terror.I mean,they are taught such aggressively that they cannot come out of it.afterall,these terrorists are taught about world domination and if murdered virgins are waiting there Up :rolleyes:
pray that pakistan's nuclear weapons does not end up in this morons hand or Iran.3rd world war is what which waits.
I have seen in this forum itself that the teaching is so brainwashing that few Muslims can thing about tolerance and are open to talk about their book.they bashes the reality rather than tolerant.this is my experiance esp that 007 user.
Saudi Arabian funding

Starting in the mid-1970s the Islamic resurgence was funded by an abundance of money from Saudi Arabian oil exports.[32] The $10s of billions of dollars "petro-Islam" largess from the new higher price of oil funded an estimated "90% of the expenses of the entire faith,"[33] throughout the Muslim world, to young and old, from children's maddrassas to high level scholarship.[34] "Books, scholarships, fellowships, mosques" (for example, "more than 1500 mosques were built from Saudi public funds over the last 50 years") were paid for. [35] It rewarded journalists and academics who followed it; built satellite campuses around Egypt for Al Azhar, the oldest and very influential Islamic university.[36]
The interpretation of Islam promoted by this funding was the strict, conservative Saudi-based Wahhabism or Salafism that taught that Muslims should reject absolutely any non-Muslim ideas and practices, including political ones. In its harshest form it preached that Muslims should not only "always oppose" infidels "in every way," but "hate them for their religion ... for Allah's sake," that democracy "is responsible for all the horrible wars of the 20th century," that Shia and other non-Wahhabi Muslims were infidels, etc.[37] While this effort has by no means converted all, or even most, Muslims to the Wahhabist interpretation, it has done much to overwhelm more moderate local interpretations and set the Saudi-interpretation of Islam as the "gold standard" of religion in Muslims' minds. [38]
  • Muslims make continual demands in order to impose their own values, and concessions inspire fresh demands. Most if not all Muslims have this demanding attitude, since such demands are a part of their religion.
  • These demands are also intended to place non-Muslims (Jews and Christians) in the status of dhimmi, and most Muslims find that the only appropriate status for them.
  • These demands should be resisted, but European governments, media and elites consistently fail to do so. They even pre-emptively make concessions to Muslims, including self-censorship. Their attitude is that of dhimmitude - the servile attitude of the weak dhimmi in a Muslim-dominated society. Dhimmitude is effectively an act of treason against western civilisation.
  • Muslim immigration to Europe is a strategy, intended to gain control of Europe, by replacing its non-Muslim population with Muslims - it is not primarily economic in character.
  • The growth of the Muslim population in Europe by natural increase (high birth rates) is also part of this strategy - "outbreeding the enemy." There are already many more Muslims in Europe than official statistics admit -- with some countries like France and Belgium refusing to even count their minorities -- and within several generations (at least by 2100) they will form a majority. European governments have actively facilitated this strategy by allowing continuous immigration from Muslim countries, which is also tantamount to treason.
  • Even before they are a majority, Muslims will dominate European politics because of their numbers and the complaisant dhimmitude of politicians and elites, who consistently fail to offer any resistance to them.
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As for the dog bite story of yours go, have you saved a woman being chased by a dog anywhere, i don't think so, i think you waited to make sure if she cried Jesus, Hey ram or Hai allah.

am sorry dude am not like a that one which u mentioned above i wish to reply to all ur question...... if i do u ppls will took that all in wrong way....

soon ill reply to all... sply to that guy 1993


Senior Member
muslims seem to be following the strategy of overbreeding and then become majority from minority and then take control of the nation....


Still in war with allies
there is shortage of tolerance in Islam when compared to other faiths ..though Christianity and Islam are two faces of a single count ..

Christianity has reformed but Islam is still in it 700 AD ,
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