GTA Heaven



Wow..........Thanks for the Trailer of GTA. ITs always been one of my fav's

Is it available for PC now. IF not when will it be available.:confused:
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here's 3 pics:)) (i took)

* - * - *

Car Mirrors work, this guy can hang on to anything, like trucks, helicopters...


(pic taken from GTA Forums)
some fight going in background:))



Vice City Arts & 8 Ball.
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The other one
Damn no PC , even if its coming in future it will not be soon. We won't be getting it before the end of 2008.


World Exclusive GTA IV Preview in GamesTM

=>The demo begins in Grand Theft Auto IV's equivalent of Times Square: Star Junction. There aren't many pedestrians present at this time, but this is most likely due to the early nature of the code.

=>The mobile phone can be used to gain weapons. In the demo that GamesTM saw, Niko calls his associate Little Jacob, who is a caribbean arms dealer. After a brief chat with Jacob, he tells Niko to meet him in an alleyway in Rotterdam Hill, where he purchases the weapons from him. No more Ammu-Nation it seems.

=>Niko can use taxis to get around (presumably he can use the phone to call a taxi). The police are much more vigilant in GTA IV, and sometimes it is less hassle using a taxi than jacking someone's car. The trip-skip option is available for convenience.

=>In the demo, Niko recieves a call concerning "shady lawyer" Goldberg, of Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster (GLS). Niko can use the internet in GTA4. He heads over to an internet café called the "Tw@ Café," and hops onto a PC before surfing. He uploads his CV to the GLS website so he can get an interview - before killing Goldberg. He receives a phonecall confirming the time of his interview. The web is available from any computer in the game, and provides a hub for all sorts of interactivity within Liberty City.

=>Missions in GTA IV can be interrupted. The interview isn't until tomorrow, which means you can carry out other business until then. This suggests you can do several missions at the same time, and missions can take place over several days, perhaps.

=>Next in the demo, Niko pays a visit to somebody called McReary, at Castle Gardens, a coast-side hangout overlooking the Statue of Hapiness. McReary has had a memory stick stolen from him which contains sensitive data, and he wants Niko to retrieve it for him. He takes another cab to the meeting point, where the target is standing amongst a crowd of people. The problem is he doesn't know which one it is, so he gives him a call to see which one picks up their phone. Niko shoots the target three times in the back of the head, before taking the memory stick and making a run for it. He gains a three-star wanted level as a result.

==>>Committing crimes isn't as easy in GTA IV. You gain a wanted level for every crime you commit, aslong as there are witnesses present. Once you have gained a wanted level, a visible (circular) search area appears on the radar, and if you escape this area without being spotted, your wanted level will flash and disappear. If you are spotted, however, the search area's position changes, and centers on where you were last spotted. So unlike previous GTA games, the police don't always know where you are. They can't catch you unless they find you first. It was confirmed previously that in GTA IV every street will be named, and this is what cops use to communicate when they are tracking you down. There are no Pay N' Spray's to save you this time, unfortunately.

=> Before heading off to the interview, Niko goes to a menswear store called Perseus. After spending $2,000 on a new suit and shoes, his phone alarm sounds and he begins his journey to the GLS offices for his interview. He speaks to the receptionist from outside the building via intercom, before making his way into the building. He enters Goldeberg's office and puts a bullet in his head, which causes his secretary to trigger the alarm. Niko must beat security guards and police in order to get out of the building. Bullets rain down on him, and there's a police chopper waiting outside. It seems as though the more bullets he takes, the more damage he takes, and hence he becomes less able to fight. The damage is actually visible this time.


-- No Easter Eggs here --
New Details
* McReary, the character we learned about in GamesTM, is a corrupt cop. He has "dirt on Niko's past." The mission they previewed is called "Call and Collect."

* Little Jacob (a caribbean arms dealer) is a good friend of Niko's cousin. When you buy weapons from him (which are kept in his trunk) you can scroll through them like you did in Ammu-Nation in the previous GTA games.
* Rotterdam Hill (the place where Niko agrees to meet Jacob) is in Alderney - the GTA IV equivalent of New Jersey.
* Niko kills Goldberg (the shady lawyer) because he owes a favour to somebody.
* Rockstar showed the sequence where he kills Goldberg twice. The first time he fell out of the window, the second time he merely crumpled on the floor.
* When purchasing clothes, you have to choose the items from the shelf individually.
* Determining which figures you need to kill requires perception - there are no arrowheads to direct you like in the previous games.
* Once you gain a wanted-level, the map flashes with circles of blue and red, with each circle representing the line of sight of the police chase. The circles differ in size depending on your wanted-level.
* The default camera view when driving rests around the left-hand side of the car above the road.
* Multiplayer is accessed via your mobile phone.
* The combat rests somewhere between Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War in terms of style, allowing you to roll, find protection and blind-fire from behind cover.
* Shooting different parts of the body has different impacts (e.g shoot a security guard in the foot at the top of the stairs, and he'll come tumbling down.)
* In GTA IV you have to develop relationships with other characters. Your relationship with Little Jacob, for example, is maintained through phone calls and loyalty. Developing good relationships with different characters can provide different rewards.
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-- No Easter Eggs here --
Minor GTA IV Details Emerge

Some new (relatively minor) details have emerged in the latest issue of the Official Xbox Magazine (US):

* We find out that McReary's first name is Francis, and that he knows about a felony Niko committed. It also mentions that McReary has a moustache, which suggests he is the character seen in this official artwork.
* The weapons on offer by Little Jacob included a 9mm, a shotgun, an SMG, and a micro SMG.
* Before Niko submitted his cv/résumé to the Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster website, OXM got a quick glimpse of his work history and qualifications. It notes that Niko was on the "Balkan Peace Force," and that he is procificent in swimming, shooting and boxing (it also says later in the preview that you are able to swim to the Statue of Happiness, or get a boat there.)
* Niko steals a black Comet before heading to the Humboldt River Viewpoint, to kill the man who stole McReary's memory stick.
* GTA IV will include a pool mini-game, and many other mini-games. "You'll play at least some of these while hanging out with NPCs like Little Jacob."
* Neither the 9/11 terrorist attacks nor Ground Zero will be referenced in any way in the game.
* The receptionist from Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster, who calls Niko to inform him about his interview, is called Karen.
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-- No Easter Eggs here --
# * The game will no longer have Ammu Nation shops.
# * That sleazy girl with the lollipop? Her name is Lola and she's a prostitute, not a showgirl, and those are not yellow feathers in her hair that's ... never mind.
# * Staying true to the New York City feel, cabs will be available in the game. Once in a cab, you can mark any point on the map and it will take you there. Alternately, there will be context sensitive cab situations -- for example, if you're hungry, the cab will take you to the nearest restaurant; if you're injured, you will be taken to the hospital.
# * The new in-game GPS system not only will put your points of destination on the map, but there will also be a line showing you the best route to get there.
# * After hopping in a cab, you can "fast travel" to where you need to be, or you can enjoy the view of the city. This is something that was also mentioned during the E3 demo, but I neglected to mention because I fell asleep.

---Translated Info---

- It's "only" in 720p
- First scene (page2): Niko Bellic is standing in the middle of Times Square in the morning. The first walk brings Niko to his wellknown "Little Jabob". Because our GTA IV hero needs a weapon - and Little Jacob has his whole trunk full of those. Bellic grabs a 9mm pistol. "Today one can't simply go to a gunshop and buy pistols in NY. You have to get them in some other way", says Rockstar about the tradition Ammunation shops.
- Something about Niko being told by a cop called Francis McReary to go to a Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster. Goldberg wants to trick Niko by killing him at the meeting? Or vice versa.
- You can chill out in the backseat while in the cab (to get used to the locale and the routes etc)
- When you have heat, cabs won't take you!!
- Niko goes to a internetcafe to look up the website of Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster on a virtual browser.
- You have to go to officier McReary again for a second mission (?)
- You get a mission that takes several days to complete in gametime, in the meantime you can do submissions. [I guess you have to show up in time to complete the main mission?]
- Sounds complicated? "Nah, the life of a criminal isn't that easy these days" says Rockstar
- Niko's PDA (i'll call it PDA here) has: Phone, Messenger, Organizer, Photo-camera and GPS in one [photo submissions?]
- While on the road to McReary, Niko's PDA rings, Mr. Goldberg's secretary Karin is on: "I can put you in a meeting at 1400 hours". Niko opens the calender on his PDA and the appointment is inserted automatically. It will also remind you of your appointments so you won't forget them. Rockstar says it normally takes longer to get to the date, but it was shortened for the presentation.
- So what happens when you fail to reach it on time? "No problem, Karen whines a bit and gives Niko a new date for another appointment"
- We reach Officier McReary and see the first cutscene (omg!). The dialogue and cutscenes belong to the highlights of GTA and we're not surprised that once again, the voice actors and scriptwriters have done a great job
- After a few sentences, it already becomes clear what kind of "hard dog" Nike Bellic is and how unsympathetic works. A new thing is, that how thanks to HD-graphics the facial animation shows more emotions and brings the script to better justice.


- In the middle of the talk between Niko Bellic and Officer McReary Rockstar interrupts the session, saying "here are some spoilers and we don't want to spoil the fun". Zhe germans care not.
- In short: a curious photographer made pics of McReary, and you have to steal his memory stick. McReary has courteously made a vehicle available to us, a Porsche Carrera (wtf?). Or at least, that is what it looks like, there are no real licensed cars in GTA4. It's called Comet instead.
- There are all kinds of cars in Liberty City, Ferrari's, BMW's, Mustangs, Delivery Trucks, SUV's, Volkswagen Jetta's (well known in the USA) trashtrucks etc.
- So after having walked and sat in the back, we can now drive ourselves! The camera angle switches. The article says it's a bit better suited and shows more depth in the default setting. It has also been moved to the left a bit (????)
- The Rockstar boys appear to notice our light scepsis and don't agree with it (or something). "One sites in a car in the left seat, so the perspective is more realistic". We will have to see how fast players can get used to it. [Aside from that you can also set it to the old setting, it seems, and you also have some other camera POVs which were not shown]
- In our drive to the photographer, our new and improved GPS helps. It doesn't just show the location as a dot, it shows the route to our target (Saints Row Shiiiiiiit!!!111one). There will be no more cases of entering oneway streets in GTA [which was apparently some kind of problem once?]
- Back to our photographer mission. We reach a viewing platform and when we are standing on it, our PDA beeps: one new SMS. The text message is from officir McReary, and it contains the cellnumber of the photographer. Niko copies the number from the SMS to his contactlist.
- Our hero does not know what the photographer looks like. And there are so many people walking around with camera's! We call the number and look at who grabs and answers his phone: AHA! We see someone who puts his cell to his ear - and shortly afterwards, a "Hello?" sounds through the speakers.
- We have a short conversation with the dude that answered, hang up and check the dude. And yes: he puts his phone away as well!
- Now it has to go fast. We run to the figure who also happened to wear a camera. Two headbutts later the chaos is complete. People go nuts and shout and stuff. We grab the memory stick out of the camera of our guy and run off. Here we notice that there are 3 speeds while afoot: walking, jogging and running. When Niko sprints, he gets out of breath after a while (?). Something about how he has 8 walking directions and how Niko controls the Curvewalk? My german fails here.
- Also new: our new GPS/radar shows cops that are on foot and in vehicles. There are also 2 area's or circles on the map: 1 in which all cops have major aggro and one where they are more mellowed out. When you leave the outer area/circle/ring, you are practically homefree. The size of the area depends on the severity of your crime AND how many witnesses saw you at the crimescene.
- Since Niko is sill on foot, we have to look for a car to get away. This is where you notice that there are now a lot more cars that are locked. Although this is logical since it is now 2007. No problem for Niko Bellic though: with the pistol-butt, he simply smashes the window of the driver's door and enters the car. Now to get out of here!
- Hmm, we shouted WIN too early: we don't have the key! (omg). So Niko will first have to short-circuit the car which takes about 3 more seconds. Finally the engine starts and we are off. Since no-one has seen us enter/steal the car, the searchradius of the cops narrows itself. In a few seconds we are home free.
- The first mission is now completed. Still we don't have time to slack around, because our PDA calender reminds us about the meeting at Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster. Because we can't show up there wearing our (see pics) shitty clothes, we quickly drive to "Perseus": an upper class shop for Men's clothing. The shoppinng of clothes is now also more realistic. You now go through the clothes on their and buy them, instead of entering a menu like in GTA:SA [ie: more immersion blablabla].
- We call a cab and let us be driven to the the building where we have to go. We announce ourselves at the desk and go to the office of Mr. Goldberg on the second floor.
- The next cutscene follows. Mr. Goldberg appears to be impressed by our clothing. No wonder, because he apparently is looking for someone to do his dirty jobs. "Niko, you are someone who sees the world for what it is, acknoledges problems for what they are and gets rid of them. I like that"
[this will surely lead to hilarity when we find out the real lines in English]

- At some point we get tired of his talk. We point the 9mm and target his face. Mr. Goldberg at first shrinks back, and then tries to act cool: "Oh, tough move, Niko. But pistols don't scare em. You know: guns don't kill people, only VIDEOGAMES KILL PEOPLE" The germans go mad with laughter [I died].
- We laugh once, and shoot twice, and Mr. Goldberg flies backwards through the window of his office into the depths.
- Two loud shots in the office, one body on the street... it doesn't take 10 seconds for the first security officers and cops to arrive.
What follows, dear readers, is the most actionpacked and exciting shooting that we have ever lived through in the history of the GTA series. This is where the entirely new controls come in.
(can you confirm this Alex: "Dazu trägt vor allem die vollkommen neue Steuerung bei" ?)

- We leave the office, press our back against the wall and carefully move towareds the stairs. There, there are the first two guards who are hiding/covered behind a glass door.
- We keep our head down, crouch forward and use a Putzwagen/snack-trolley as cover (Alex? :D ). But by now the first Domestos bottles fly off, shot by enemy fire. Unimpressed we move our gun up and let loose a couple of rounds.
- The blind-fire seems to have an effect: the guards get back behind the cover of the door. This is our chance! We move out of our cover and fire at the glass door. The glass plates shatter, and we have free aim at the guards. While we down the first guard with a headshot, we shoot the other guard in the leg. When he tried to recover and shoot, we serve him with a two bullet dessert. It worked.
- Now we reach the staircase and get into a hot firefight with the smart cops. One, who stands on the escalator, we hit in the knee. He collapses and rolls over a couple of times while he falls down the escalator. But even this guy tries to get up again, so we'll have to help him a bit with that.
- When we reach ground level, we grab us an Uzi. And we need it as well, since there are already some cops waiting outside the building - and shout (or shoot?) from outside into the building.

- End of our presentation. First reaction: Wow! Even though we weren't able to play the game ourselves, it became clear that the old controls, the AI and the targeting system can't be recognized [ie: the new ones are a much better]. Finally one can put GTA among the best shooters in these aspects. Finally do weapons switches work not like a necessary evil but as exciting and revolutionary (or something)
- Dear graphics fetishists (literal translation), we have kept you waiting for long enough now, but ofcourse you all want to know how good GTA4 really looks. The writers refer to the screenshots and the VIDEO that was added to the magazine(?) [if true, Alex go upload that vid!! :D ]. A picture can tell a thousand words. The important thing to remember is that GTA 4 really looks like this, that neither the pictures nor the trailer haven been edited in any way. This is all ingame!

- To sum it up, the graphic-style is a lot more realistic then with the previous GTA's. Rockstar's RAGE-Engine, which we saw first with Tirschtennis (Table Tennis) is really put to work here. Especially the authentic lighting and shadow effects and the reflections on the car's wax, or the wet ground, look really natural. But also on the PS3 and Xbox360, Rockstar works with different filters to give the game it's own Look.
- Liberty City works incredibly alive. The streets and sidewalks are populated, people talk on their cellphones, smoke, entertain eachother, make pictures etc etc. The Hot Dog vendor tries to get Niko to come to his stand by shouting at him. If you kick or drive against a trashcan, it rolls around with correct physics (finally!!!!!!!!).

- In Saint's Row, people first noticed this detail: when you are close to a car, you hear soft carradio music. When you open the door, the music gets louder (truly next-gen). Concerning music, Rockstar is still keeping tight-lipped. We were told that the russian rocksongs and spacey trance tracks from the demo were just placeholders. Following rumors, Rockstar will probably rely less on Hits and more on unknown bands and artists for the music..
- Even though the graphics were FLAWLESS, Rockstar admits that there are still problems with stuff like Popups, Clipping and Ruckeln (glitches or artifacts?) but that these will be ironed out in the following months.

- Even though San Andreas showed its graphical age, it still sold 20 millions because of its gameplay. Does this mean that GTA4 will be the perfect game with the HD graphics? That is still to early to say. A lot of aspects were not shown in the presentation and were not answered in the Questions round afterwards.
- Still, when we have 100 euros ($138, 70 pounds) to bet on which game might be the first to reach the 100% perfect score with our rating system, we'd bet 10 euro on Resident Evil 5 and the remaining 90 euro on GTA4!

That was all, hope there was some info there for you. Maybe Alex wants to look through it to point out some bad translations, but I think most of the content made it.

Game sounds cool btw, can't wait to play it!


-- No Easter Eggs here --
Playstation Magazine USA previews GTA IV

- A thin green band around the minimap on your HUD indicates your health. (Could a second band be added to indicate armor?)
- Physically, Liberty City is not as big as San Andreas. It covers approximately 3/4 the total area that San Andreas did.
- Software glitch or innovative gameplay? During the final bit of the game that PSM got to see, Niko is killed by a police copter landing on his head.
- Playstation Magazine confirms the [default] camera angle shift in GTA IV. Your view is no longer stuck hovering over the vehicle. When you get behind the wheel, the camera drops down and to the left, following the middle of the road.


-- No Easter Eggs here --
Most detailed GTA Preview from

6:30 am. Niko peers around Star Junction, Liberty City's adaptation of Times Square. The constant honking of car horns and growling engines make Star Junction's ambiance seem all too real.

It's early, but Niko needs a bite. A nearby hot dog stand does the job, the quick meal increasing his health, enough for the big job ahead. In GTAIV, health is recovered with food and drink, waving goodbye to the floating health "hearts" of past.
GTAIV could be as big of a jump as the trasition to GTAIII.

GTAIV could be as big of a jump as the trasition to GTAIII.

Niko has a minor problem. Officer Francis McCreary's dug up a little dirt on him, and to keep the cop quiet, Niko's going to have to do him a favor: take someone out.

It's a lawyer--Goldberg to be exact--one third of the firm Goldberg, Ligner and Shyster. There's no shortage of Rockstar wit, here.

Niko makes the call to McCreary who provides him details about the job. In GTAIV, Niko initiates the action from his cell phone, meaning the player drives the plot instead of being led around as in previous GTA games. With his mission laid out, Niko needs some firepower. But in the new Liberty City, he can't simply stroll into Ammu-Nation and pick up a quick 9. In fact, the infamous gun shop is gone altogether. Niko has to be creative and find other ways to acquire weapons, and that's where his cell phone comes in handy.

Niko rings a contact, Little Jacob, for a piece. They agree on a meeting place in Rotterdam Hill. Niko sets off on foot.

Strolling down the bustling sidewalks of Liberty City, the sun is just rising. Niko passes a newspaper stand. A LCPD car passes on his right, what looks like a PCJ motorcycle follows. "I've gotta move up state," says a passer-by. Another pedestrian brushes close to Niko, and he instinctively nudges him away.

Past a pizza joint, Niko hangs a left, meeting Jacob in an alley. Jacob pops his truck (Niko will purchase weapons in trucks, basements and other low-profile areas. Gone are the unrealistic Rocket Launchers left floating in a backyard pool), revealing a stockpile of illegal weapons in the trunk. A 9mm pistol, a micro SMG and a shotgun are nicely laid out inside. Niko buys the 9.

"This s*** is bananas!", yells a flustered women from her car.

Sufficiently strapped, Niko whistles. A cab pulls up and Niko slides in.

The driver punches in the location, an internet cafe a few miles away, and a real-time fare meter ticks. Niko needs to get closer to Goldberg, his hit, and a job interview is a great way inside the high-security law firm. First things first, he needs to submit a resume.

Inside the cab, Niko waits. The camera shifts to a cinematic view, providing numerous angles and views of the cab ride with booming radio music emanating from the taxi's stereo. It's all very movie-like. Cabs function differently in GTAIV. Because jacking a car requires a set amount of time to hot wire it started, it's sometimes easier to hail a cab...and a lot less risky, to boot. Plus, Trip Skip is back, so if you want to get Niko somewhere quickly, a cab could be your best bet.

Everything in the city is gorgeously detailed, and GTA's jump into the next-gen is a big one. The little green guy on crosswalk signs are crisp and clear, visible from inside the cab. The camera shifts. It's outside now, facing the left of the cab, with every letter of its fare costs on the taxi's door perfectly legible.
You can expect plenty more of this to come.

You can expect plenty more of this to come.

Niko's arrived. The music fades as the cab pulls away. He enters the cyber cafe, appropriately named TW@, and logs onto the web (a working in-game network that's navigated just like the real internet). On the law firm's website, Niko gives his resume a once-over before uploading it to the site. There are some funny bits--his hobbies are shooting and boxing--but we're told it's mostly placeholder for now.

Nike makes a right out of TW@ and crosses the street, passing a sundries shop and what looks like a Sanchez bike in the intersection. Each and every street in Liberty City is named, something that's never been done in and GTA game. Locations also have physical, numbered addresses.

Time to give McCreary a call. Dialing. Niko explains that he's submitted his resume to the firm, and shortly after, the law firm's receptionist, Karen, calls. She's scheduled Niko for an interview and the appointment is added to Niko's organizer in his phone (Note: Niko didn't have to pick up his phone. He could have ignored Karen and gone about whatever he pleased. This is how the player controls the game's progression).

Back in a cab. Niko's off to meet McCreary at Castle Gardens, GTAIV's version of the South Street Seaport. Walking to find him, pedestrians pass. A women holds a grocery bag, others are smoking cigarettes. Niko spots McCreary by the water.

Here, Niko gets his next job from McCreary. The worried cop thinks someone is trying to blackmail him, so he sets up a meeting. It's Niko's job to find out who he is and, well, ask questions later.

Niko's sets off, again on foot. His mark is supposed to exchange a memory stick with some incriminating data on it by the Humbolt River off Silicon St. There's a viewpoint there where Niko can get an overhead view of him, but unfortunately, he doesn't know what this guy looks like.

Niko passes the Statue of Happpiness, hops in a cab and reaches the spot. Niko gets a text from McCreary with the target's cell phone number. Niko quickly dials.
Liberty City is alive with personality like no other game.

Liberty City is alive with personality like no other game.

Judgment time. Niko notes the man who picks up his phone and hangs up simultaneously. Is it him? What route to take? Should it be quiet? No time to think. Niko pulls out his 9, puts two behind he ear. He grabs the implicating memory stick

Two stars

Niko darts up the stairs into the street. His motion is natural. He leans into turns and his head nods when he runs. It's natural and fluid.

Cops pursue, bullets whiz by, hitting passing traffic signs. Niko smashes a car window and pops the door open. 1...2...3 seconds and it's running. Must shake the cops, but the new wanted level system isn't going to make it easy. And without cop bribes and no Pay-N-Spray in sight, Niko's going to have to escape the old-fashioned way.

The LCPD is no pushover. A search radius appears: a zone that Liberty City cops will keep pursuing Niko while he has an active wanted level. The bigger the crime, the larger the radius. Once Niko loses the cops and exits the circle, his wanted level goes back to normal. The trouble is, officers radio other nearby cops if they spot you, all based on line of sight. That means Niko has to avoid cop icons on his radar. Stationary dots on the radar are cops on foot. Dots with swirls around them are cops in cars. Like a movie chase, it's a constant game of cat and mouse.

A few quick turns and shortcuts lose the cops. Niko brings the memory stick to McCreary.

Time flies. A mobile reminder alerts Niko that it's almost time for his interview.

Niko does have a scheduled interview with Goldberg, the attorney he's out to hit, but that doesn't mean he can walk in the building wearing a dirty track suit. A quick stop at Perseus, as upscale clothing store, does the job. There's no goofy haircuts or ridiculous clothes a la San Andreas. Clothing in GTAIV is customizable, but also realistic. Niko buys a chocolate suit and matching shoes. A cab takes him to the law firm.

It's a big building and Niko waits to get buzzed in by Karen, who escorts Niko up to Goldberg's office. There's no loading. Everything's seamless.

Niko takes a seat. He's in.

Goldberg sits across at his desk. The door is closed and Niko's free to do finish the job. Instead, he lets Goldberg yap on a bit. The lawyer is a talker. He likes Niko's resume and wants a man that can get a job done right. Niko listens. Goldberg rants on about decay in society. "Floss! Get rid of the decay," he says. Niko pulls out his gun.
Just look at that facial detail. Impressive

Just look at that facial detail. Impressive

"Whoa, whoa! Hold on a second there, friend. We're lawyers...we don't need guns. Guns don't kill people, video games do." Famous last words.

Niko waits until Goldberg stands up. He's next to the window. Pop! The bullet drives the lawyer through the glass and down onto the sidewalk.

Three stars.

Niko's trapped. To exit the building, he'll have to get a through a horde of armed security. With his pistol, he finds cover behind a cleaning cart. The cover system reminds of Gears of War and Rainbow Six: Vegas--a complete combat reinvention for GTA. Blind-firing over the cart takes one guard down, but several more block Niko's way out.

Pop, pop! More guards fall. Niko hits one in the leg who tumbles down the stairs.

The path is clear. Niko crouches carefully outside, but perhaps he should have stayed in. Police are swarming the building. It's Heat outside. A helicopter circles and cops are everywhere. Niko darts across the street to a bus stop. Not much cover here. He's trapped.

In a hail of gunfire, surrounded, Niko falls in one of the most epic shootouts in Grand Theft Auto yet. And it's just the beginning.


Broken In
when i m playing gtasa suddenly light went off after, when i start game it cant started. exe run for 1 to 2 sec (shown in process explorer)


-- No Easter Eggs here --
GTA IV Delayed!

The release date for GTA IV has been pushed back until at least April 2008, possibly May February, March, or April [updated to reflect the fiscal calendar].
Take-Two is reducing its fiscal 2007 guidance primarily to reflect the movement of the launch of Grand Theft Auto IV for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007 to fiscal 2008, due to additional development time required to complete the title. The title is now planned for release in the Company’s second quarter of fiscal 2008.

Why, you ask?

Strauss Zelnick, Chairman of Take-Two, stated, “With Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar is setting a new standard for next generation video games. Certain elements of development proved to be more time-intensive than expected, especially given the commitment for a simultaneous release on two very different platforms. We all recognize that perfecting the game is vital and I can assure everyone it will be worth the wait. We owe it to the game’s millions of fans, to our dedicated development team, and to our shareholders to make sure that Grand Theft Auto IV is a groundbreaking gaming experience that takes maximum advantage of next generation technology.”

Sam Houser, Founder and Executive Producer of Rockstar Games, added, "The new consoles are allowing us to create the Grand Theft Auto game we always dreamed about. Every aspect of the game and its design has been completely transformed. The game is huge and is pushing the hardware platforms to their absolute limits. The top engineers from Sony and Microsoft are working closely with the team in Edinburgh right now, helping us to fully leverage the power of both platforms. As always, our goal is to surpass even the wildest expectations of the game’s fans, and to create the ultimate high definition video game experience."
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