Graphics Cards related queries here.


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

is this true or is this guys f**cking aroun... nvidida geforce 8800gt 512mb....
memory bandwidth 57.6gb/s ... for 6k..?????? is the link..


Violent serenity.
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

I want to buy the graphic card+psu and my budget is limited to 10-10.5k.suggest the cheapest psu for 9800gt.
BTW is there any performance difference between 9800gt and 4830?i've read somewhere that 4830 can easily be overclocked to match the performance of that case won't 4830 make a better choice?

HD4830 is a lil hot and OCing will make it more hotter :). The cheapest PSU would be a CM-EP500W for around 2.5-2.8k.


EXIT: DATA Junkyard
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

U can wait for a week more, and save up, HD4850's worth it, so I strongly suggest that.

Else as Psychosocial has sugegsted


Broken In
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

I have intel DG33FB motherboard and xfx 8400gs. Now I want to upgrade my graphics card. my budget is only 6000 to 8000 not anymore. Suggest me a good XFX graphics card. How about 9600gt or 8800gt ??? is my motherboard compatible ?? (only XFX is available in my village)
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Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

I want to buy the graphic card+psu and my budget is limited to 10-10.5k.suggest the cheapest psu for 9800gt.
BTW is there any performance difference between 9800gt and 4830?i've read somewhere that 4830 can easily be overclocked to match the performance of that case won't 4830 make a better choice?

if u want to overclock ur GPU so buy 4830 non-reference model cooler model so there is not big issue of heat and cooler master PSU r ok but i suggest u to increase ur budget nd go for corsair 450 this PSU is more efficient than CM-650

Deleted member 26636

Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Can anyone tell me where i can buy the palit hd4850 sonic in mumbai? Also,ive read that this card has a dual slot cooler.what does that mean & how am i going to instal it on my asus p5kc m/b?please reply as ive never assembled hardware before!


Violent serenity.
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Can anyone tell me where i can buy the palit hd4850 sonic in mumbai? Also,ive read that this card has a dual slot cooler.what does that mean & how am i going to instal it on my asus p5kc m/b?please reply as ive never assembled hardware before!

You can get it at Lamington Road... many shops have it there. Dual Slot cooler means the cooler is big so it will block the PCI or PCIe slot next to the PCIe x16... in short, one grafix card will take up space of two kept side to side but it will run a lot cooler. The normal Palit HD4850 doznt have dual slot only the SONIC has dual slot cooler. You can install it simply by inserting it in the PCI-e x16 slot :D.


Broken In
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

could anybody tell me the prices for these in India, also tell me are they available or not

1) Sapphire TOXIC HD 4850
2) HIS HD 4850 Iceq 4 Turbo X
3) Powercolor pcs HD 4850
4) Zalman VF900 or VF 1000

Thanks in advance


Broken In
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

my MB Asus M2NPV-MX. with AMD 3200+..
i am having generic psu..
i like to purchase a Graphic card around and upto 7000/= with requisite psu..or case
kindly suggest..


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

could anybody tell me the prices for these in India, also tell me are they available or not

1) Sapphire TOXIC HD 4850
2) HIS HD 4850 Iceq 4 Turbo X
3) Powercolor pcs HD 4850
4) Zalman VF900 or VF 1000

Thanks in advance

  1. sapphire is available Hd 4850 @ 10450/-
  2. HIS & powercolor are not available
  3. zalman cooler :( dont know / if u r in mumbai u can get it

why u r asking about this 3 brands while u have palit on the hands.. PALIT outperforms these cards in cooling for HD4850


Broken In
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

  1. sapphire is available Hd 4850 @ 10450/-
  2. HIS & powercolor are not available
  3. zalman cooler :( dont know / if u r in mumbai u can get it

why u r asking about this 3 brands while u have palit on the hands.. PALIT outperforms these cards in cooling for HD4850
is 10450 for toxic edition? palit sonic edition doesn't have heatsinks on RAM and power modules whereas sapphire and HIS both have realy good coolers.

is Arctic-Cooling Accelero Twin Turbo or Thermalright [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]HR-03 available here? What is its price?[/FONT]


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

is 10450 for toxic edition? palit sonic edition doesn't have heatsinks on RAM and power modules whereas sapphire and HIS both have realy good coolers.

is Arctic-Cooling Accelero Twin Turbo or Thermalright [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]HR-03 available here? What is its price?[/FONT]

sorry i heared that TOXIC edition is not available in INDIA right now it seems , where u have any idea where it is available.

the vga coolers in INDIA are available @ very little , may u can order in tigerdirect or the newegg



Broken In
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

sorry i heared that TOXIC edition is not available in INDIA right now it seems , where u have any idea where it is available.

the vga coolers in INDIA are available @ very little , may u can order in tigerdirect or the newegg

I think they don't ship to India and even if they do, customs will eat u pa lot.
what about zalman and thermalright HR-03, have you heard about it in India?


Right off the assembly line
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.


I have brought a BFG 9800 GTX + graphic card from the us , but the problem is that when i insert it in my motherboard everthing starts but the monitor does not show any thing , ie thw standby mode light flashes ! i previously had the 8500gt which is working f9 ! my mother board is the ASUS P5Q Deluxe , i have a 500 watt coolermaster psu wid 4 gigs of cosair xms 2 dhx ram! im using E84000 as processor , i also try cmos reset , bios flash but it wont start , the cards fan is working meaing the card is workin , bt it doesent initialize!

plz i need your help asap!


Deleted member 26636

Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Once i had the same problem.i had a quadro fx 1700 which i removed & then instaled an 8600 gt.when i switched on the pc, the monitor showed- "no signal". The gfx cards fan was working.for some reason i changed my ram's slots & the problem was solved.


Back to school!!
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.


I have brought a BFG 9800 GTX + graphic card from the us , but the problem is that when i insert it in my motherboard everthing starts but the monitor does not show any thing , ie thw standby mode light flashes ! i previously had the 8500gt which is working f9 ! my mother board is the ASUS P5Q Deluxe , i have a 500 watt coolermaster psu wid 4 gigs of cosair xms 2 dhx ram! im using E84000 as processor , i also try cmos reset , bios flash but it wont start , the cards fan is working meaing the card is workin , bt it doesent initialize!

plz i need your help asap!

There should be a small LED at the back of the card beside the cooler exhaust ports, if the card is properly powered it should light up, its very faint though, turn off room light to see it.(Its there in my EVGA 9800GTX+, may be you also have one somewhere).


Right off the assembly line
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

No luck , i dont have the led on my card , its a different design, ne more ideas!!
damn thing wont work ......but i think i dont have any power problems !

plz help !!
thanks for u posts!!!

If u want 2 see which card it is log on 2 their website nd its the card wid the blue PCB.
Maybe that should help , i have also mailed the support team@ bfg bt no replys as of now !
or is it the problm wid the mobo? ne ideas!
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Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

could anybody tell me the prices for these in India, also tell me are they available or not

1) Sapphire TOXIC HD 4850
2) HIS HD 4850 Iceq 4 Turbo X
3) Powercolor pcs HD 4850
4) Zalman VF900 or VF 1000

Thanks in advance

u can purchased sapphire dual slot cooler its available in india


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

No luck , i dont have the led on my card , its a different design, ne more ideas!!
damn thing wont work ......but i think i dont have any power problems !

plz help !!
thanks for u posts!!!

If u want 2 see which card it is log on 2 their website nd its the card wid the blue PCB.
Maybe that should help , i have also mailed the support team@ bfg bt no replys as of now !
or is it the problm wid the mobo? ne ideas!

remove one ram stick. set pcie to top priority in display selection in the bios. . remove all OC settings and get everything back to stock .. fit the card in ( make sure u've connected the pcie power connector ) and give it a whirl .. if it still doesnt work , try it on some other pc.
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