Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.
thanx bro!
i really need a graphix upgrade...hv been holding on since june...thank god i did

.......then i ws going for 8800gt ko...and now 4850/9800gtx+

....havent decided yet....

i even put up a poll to gauge public response..still nothin concrete....
theres no factory overclocked 4850 in sight w/ cooler(its hott!)....and i dont knw whether to let go of CUDA & Physx...
no need for thanks bro i was in same situation as u 3 months before i was going for 8800 gt as i hold it due to some marriage function at home ...and i m glad that i did now i have much better options at hand 4850/9800 gtx+ actually ur post did create a confusion in my mind too.
then i asked myself ,
do i need cuda and physX ?
i really enjoy programming and i have to yet to be well versed with DX10/open gl 2.0 doing something with CUDA i need to do a lot more programming before i can reach there! so CUDA is way to go for me!
physX - so far haven't seen much improvement in games due to it!
my use for graphics card for me is to play games with all eye candy on and for watching videos and UVD2 has better quality/performance than pure video decoder 2.0/3.0
hd4850 gives all these plus great image quality.
newer and better cards will keep coming out ..nVidia is not going to sit quiet.but i want the card now,which should last for 2 years and today i feel palit hd4850 sonic suits to my need perfectly.
palit hd4850 sonic has a good dual slot cooler
look here *
hd4850 maintains good frame rate even at higher resolutions with all eye candy on.
frankly i feel CUDA and PhysX are in their intial stages alot needs to be done to them and 9800gtx+ isn't quite equipped to handle these things efficiently as its old architecture...the same 8800 architecture with minor adjustments but on 55 nm fabrication process.on the other hand rv770 is newer and better ...and smart architecture which will do good for atleast a year !
and yes in future definately with dual core GPU's PhysX will get better and more efficient but right now PhysX doesn't do anything spectacular.
so i reasoned myself i don't need either CUDA or PhysX but definately a great card which can perform well thats what palit HD 4850 sonic is according to me.