Graphics Cards related queries here.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Thanks for the advice :) I will ask my friend to go with 8500GT.


die blizzard die! D3?
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

My question Is whether to go for 7600GT or 8600GT.My budget is around 11k from which i will be needing 3k for my RAM upgradation.But one thing is for sure I would like to play crysis even at low to medium settings.I am more inclined towards 7600GT cos every game in near future will be released in two formats one for DX9 and other for DX10 and 7600GT beats 8600Gt comfortably in current high end DX9 games.

One more question you guys talk a lot about overclocking but it voids your warranty as far as I know.It it true with both ATI and Nvidia or only Nvidia?
Any exceptions?And what about factory overclocked cards?


NP : Crysis
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

not sure about first question. i'd suggest 8600GT

yes overclocking voids warranty for all cards, ati and nvidia because it is really easy to overdo slightly and fry ur card.
as for factory overclocked cards, u get normal warranty as long as u don't tweak them any more. generally factory overclocked cards are locked so u can't oc anymore.

Third Eye

gooby pls
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

The_Devil_Himself said:
My question Is whether to go for 7600GT or 8600GT.My budget is around 11k from which i will be needing 3k for my RAM upgradation.But one thing is for sure I would like to play crysis even at low to medium settings.I am more inclined towards 7600GT cos every game in near future will be released in two formats one for DX9 and other for DX10 and 7600GT beats 8600Gt comfortably in current high end DX9 games.

One more question you guys talk a lot about overclocking but it voids your warranty as far as I know.It it true with both ATI and Nvidia or only Nvidia?
Any exceptions?And what about factory overclocked cards?

Pick the 8600gt.

read reviews


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

xbonez said:
not sure about first question. i'd suggest 8600GT

yes overclocking voids warranty for all cards, ati and nvidia because it is really easy to overdo slightly and fry ur card.
as for factory overclocked cards, u get normal warranty as long as u don't tweak them any more. generally factory overclocked cards are locked so u can't oc anymore.

i dont think they can detect driver level OCing .


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

the 8800GTS [17k] version or GTX [38k]?

The price is double but is there a similar performance gap ?
Or GTS should be the good value for money?
what is approx price of 8800GTS 768 MB ?

I heard that current DX10 Geforce 8 series will not support next DX 10.1 [before actual games arrive :-( ]
so will 8500 GT 512MB 5.8k will be a good choice for mid to high end gaming in near future ?

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aka. ViKiD?
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

dude dx10 has just arrived...dont think about the future just now....neways..i think ur asking about the 8800gtx 768 india
ZEBRONICS-around 28k


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

well there are a lot of people feeling that even 8800GTX may not handle dx10 that well . but u cant think too much of the furture as there's always something new . .as far as gaming is concerned , 8800GTS has max VFM . .wat exactly is ur budget , if u badly want to run dx10 games in near future without shelling out too much money now , buy a cheaper card and then upgrade after a year when there are dx10 games and 9xxx series are in the market . .wat card do u own now ? first consider if u really need a upgrade and whether ur CPU is enough . . .


aka. ViKiD?
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

The_Devil_Himself said:
My question Is whether to go for 7600GT or 8600GT.My budget is around 11k from which i will be needing 3k for my RAM upgradation.But one thing is for sure I would like to play crysis even at low to medium settings.I am more inclined towards 7600GT cos every game in near future will be released in two formats one for DX9 and other for DX10 and 7600GT beats 8600Gt comfortably in current high end DX9 games.

One more question you guys talk a lot about overclocking but it voids your warranty as far as I know.It it true with both ATI and Nvidia or only Nvidia?
Any exceptions?And what about factory overclocked cards?
dude the better performance which the 8600gt is not able to deliver in dx9 games becoz..the drivers are not optimised(they are rlatively new)......same goes for dx10 games ......and ya any type of overclocling voids the warranty...unles its factory overclocked..:D


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

ei guys cud any of u tell me the price of 8800gts 320mb in cal


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

hey , how can they know if we OCed (driver level) , if nothing is burnt ? i am asking coz i have a overheating xfx 8600GT which i will get replaced next month although i aint getting artifacts . i did OC for 2-3 minutes ( minimal , raised the core clock frm 540mhz to 560mhz and no changes to mem speed ) to see any temp variations and nothing hapennned (as high as it was), so i wanted to know if they'll say that they wont rma or replace my card for this reason.


aka. ViKiD?
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

boss id suggest tht u switch the clocks to the default be on the safer side and to make the oc detection harder.....:D


NP : Crysis
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

yeah, switch back clock speeds.

if anything is burnt, there's no chance of getting a replacement. they don't care how it got burnt - whether by oc'ing or due to a spike or surge.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

yup , i OCed for 2-3 minutes and not more . i just wanted to see if temps reduce or something like that ( LOL , but i was willing to try anything ) and i have been running stock speeds for a month now .


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Hi guys, plz suggest me a grafix card for p3 800mhz, intel 815 motherboard, 448mb sdram. My budget is Rs.4000. I already have geforce4mx 440, i was thinking on the lines of Ati 9800pro or Ati 9700. are these cards still available? if so, what's the cost? I also don't want my cpu to become the bottleneck due to fast videocard. plz assume that i can upgrade only the grafix card at the moment. I just want to play some latest racing games in low settings like flatout2, nfs series, age of empires 3 etc...


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

geforce 6800XT ( theitwares quoted price as 3.4k which i doubt ) or the 7300GT . i think the CPU WILL become a big bottleneck , since its only racing games and least possible settings ur pc may pull thru . .


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

will check it out, thanks. what about those outdated Ati and nvidia cards like 9800pro and 5700ultra, are they still available for much cheaper prices?


aka. ViKiD?
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

casual_gamer said:
will check it out, thanks. what about those outdated Ati and nvidia cards like 9800pro and 5700ultra, are they still available for much cheaper prices?
yup my friend wants to sell his asus 5700 ultra....must be selling fr bout 2k or smthing..tell me if ur intrested..


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Ambar said:
yup my friend wants to sell his asus 5700 ultra....must be selling fr bout 2k or smthing..tell me if ur intrested..
I am interested, but for a 4 year old 2nd hand card i can pay a maximum of Rs1100, coz u never know when the card will go bust.
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