Graphics card at low price

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I have Geforce 2MX/MX 400 card(64 mb). I want to upgrade my agp card, but i have only agp 4x slot. :( My max budget is upto 4k. As i am price consious i cannot increase my budget more than that. Plaese help me.


Dont buy a graphic card

all that buying fx 5200 for 3000 Rs/- will lead to is temptation for a higher card

to get real nirvana for ur soul stay away from graphic cards

if u reallly like gaming try a different gaming option coz this Computer gaming has turned out to b a gaming option only for da rich. All the hardware upgrades screws ppl's money

No one is satisfied with what they have. Instead use the 4k u have to proper use or preserve it for future

Download some NES,Snes ,Znes emulators and some roms, a world of gaming option is availble which u can play with all the eye candy on ur pc


 Macboy
Rigthly said

Rightly said Ganguly,

I don't know how these people can spend 15 thousand on a graphics card, forget the ultra's and xt's. Its madness. And for what? just six to seven months? I am more than satisfied with my gforce 4 mx440 which I realised was a mistake in the first place. Graphics cards are a waste of money and time, time in a sense that if you buy a good graphics card, you are compelled to play a lot of games whereby you waste so much of precious time you could have used elsewhere...



Aspiring Novelist
Re: Rigthly said

goobimama said:
I don't know how these people can spend 15 thousand on a graphics card, forget the ultra's and xt's. Its madness. And for what? just six to seven months? I am more than satisfied with my gforce 4 mx440 which I realised was a mistake in the first place. Graphics cards are a waste of money and time, time in a sense that if you buy a good graphics card, you are compelled to play a lot of games whereby you waste so much of precious time you could have used elsewhere...


Hmmm Now A big Graphic Card Or Brand Purachase Critic Out Here Ehhh??? :wink:
Well Man What U Buy And Dont Is Totally Up To Ur Taste And Preferences And Ur Capacity To Buy Mate.....These Guys Can even go Way To Their Limits And Purchase The ultimates In Hardware Just Because They Kind Have a Passion For Those Rigs.....Anyways Btw Not Diverting From The Topic amey_dude well The Fx Series Are A Total Waste Of Time,Fx5200 For Example Is A 128MB VRam Card But Delivers Sh!t Frame Rates for The Latest Games Which Is A Disgrace For The 128Mb Range (Aint Not All That Bad Either The Games Are SomeWhat Playable :wink: )....Quite Frankly Go For The Ati Series (Dun Know Which Card Will Be Permitted For Ur Budget).....Ask Liquidnitrogen Or Grinning_evil for That They have Perfect idea for Ur Budget.... 8)


Cyborg Agent
I would be a little more blunt "Not all of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouth or not all get the high payong lucritive job" So this field(graphic cards and cpu MHz) is not for all.


Cyborg Agent
8) 8) wellwell do i hear my name calling...??
hehe thanx for the tip MI2!!! :wink: :wink:

well buddy if ur intrested in "serious" gaming then 4k is just too less...
this amount will neither bring a descent performing card but will be more or less waste of money....

the best option shud be "wait........" till u have enuf budget to change ur mobo with onboard video nd AGP 8X slot/PCI-EX slot for future upgrades.....
till then its best to keep ur money locked away in a piggy bank...!!

the cheapest nd best value for money card i came to was geforce 5700 ultra 256MB for around 7500....then there r ATI radeon 9600 pro/XT, 9800 PRO/XT.... but the price is a bit onboard gfx shud suite u.....
:arrow: geforce 5700 ...NO SE/NO LE/NO ULTRA - for 5200 (havn't played it on cant comment on its features)
:arrow: radeon 9600 XT - 12.5 k
:arrow: radeon 9800 pro - 12.5 k
:arrow: geforce 6600 (PCI-EX) - 9k
nd the list goes on with increasing zeros at the end of their price tag!!

u see these cards r neither in ur budget nor they r compatible with ur preserve nd conserve ur money for a BIG future upgrade...

but mind u whenever u go for purchasing a gfx card in future...
they r like celerons...stepped down versions of gud cards....
:wink: :wink:


Cyborg Agent
pradeep_chauhan said:
I would be a little more blunt "Not all of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouth or not all get the high payong lucritive job" So this field(graphic cards and cpu MHz) is not for all.

:shock: ritely said dat not all of us r with a silver spoon in our mouth...

:cry: took me almost a year to buy me this new rig.... :lol:


MI-2 is splashing our names in all threads grinnie......keep it up MI-2 :lol: :lol: :lol:
i wholly agree with allwyndlima regarding the "passion" stuff.It gives us tremendous satisfaction to learn about newer technologies,realistic graphics,mindblowing performances etc etc.....we do wish to own these stuff even if that means setting aside a few months salaries or pocket money just to fulfill that passion and not because we are born with a "silverspoon"......but i do wish that i was born with a silverspoon so that i can change my graphics card every month.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: took me not 1 year but 3 years to get my present rig grinnie.....n my next aim will be to upgrade my graphics card....JUST FOR THAT PASSION...
As for amey's qn,i cant sincerely suggest a graphics card for 4k budget which will satisfy u pal....but if u want to buy a graphics card with a better performance than Geforce 2MX/MX 400 card(64 mb),there are many options within 4k....but those cards rnt goin to help u 2 play most of the current games....
The lowest value for money card which i can suggest is ATI Radeon 9600PRO by gigabyte which comes for around 8K.It is fully DirectX9 compliant n gives u a decent performance too....
Then u can try getting second hand cards...but at your own risk....
But the best thing u can do right now is wat grinnie your money for a full upgrade in the near future....


Thanks for the help!!
As you said i will settle with my old geforce 2 card.
:( Hey will a be able to play nfs u2 on my old card :?:


da' Ťurntable ruleth
Sourabh said:
Dont buy a graphic card

all that buying fx 5200 for 3000 Rs/- will lead to is temptation for a higher card

to get real nirvana for ur soul stay away from graphic cards............

well said sourabh
infact i too had suggested this earlier to some people
get a console the best thing happened to a gamer
as sourabh said PC Gaming is for people born with a PLATINUM SPOON in thier mouth

i too got a GPU card after scrounging for money collecting every penny
used to walk to college and save the travelling allowance
sometimes starve in college and save money for a FX 5200

in the end now what i get off this "MEHNAT"
freaking damn low gameplay in DOOM 3 and HL 2
after seeing this i dont feel like playing games
this is what i get for all my money
sometimes i even think why did i become a GAMER

then i thought i could have saved more waited more and could have got a console, a PS2

i look like a "fool" when i see people buying PS2 games
latest and the best
yaa even PC offers the same games
but then you need to LOOK BELOW THE PACKAGE
and watch out for those SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
and they will never meet with your system 8-10 times

look at the console user

so all i say is wait save more and buy the CONSOLE



King of my own Castle
Seriously i even suggest If you are gamer and Not good on the Dough please stay away from Pc gaming. Owning an Xbox ..PS2 and a Decent enough Pc ( Ok not decent coz i'm stuck at 5700 Ultra ) ...i have come to find that the Consoles are way better cheap option. Really no upgrading...having the latest titles at the Floor and that Vibration GamePad is just fantastic. "( Absolutly no compromist with Graphics on XBox ...)
The only reason i have Pc is for those FPS games .
Ok on Pc i have 5700 Ultra and i already suffer this inferiority complex seeing other peoples Graphic cards. So i'm Dying to get that 9800 Pro or 6800Gt ...May be i will need another atleast 20K to satisfy my hunger. Is it Stupid on my Part??
100 % I'm stupid .!!! :( But i'm really stuck at this addiction of having a good graphic card. Hmmm but the good thing for me is :p My Xbox and Ps2 Earns me enough money ( Got a game Parlor ) to help me buy that graphic card.
Yes Totally Wierd Situation ....but insn't console already better !! But with just 10k on the menu i had any day go for Console and go to sleep as a Happy Man ..


"A console gamer is one who goes to the pub, comes home half drunk and plays a game,
A PC gamer is one who games instead of going to the pub."

NEVER EVER equate a console to the power of the PC.!!!

the prices are justified. juz ask the ppl who fabricate on 11um silicon wafers(abt 200$ for a 6600). in India tho, they r not.. low wages, stupid admin,social conditions. are the reason..

curse them or move for change. BUT

NEVER EVER equate a console to the power of the PC.!!!



King of my own Castle
plasmafire said:
"A console gamer is one who goes to the pub, comes home half drunk and plays a game,
A PC gamer is one who games instead of going to the pub."

Infact a Console gamer is one who insists he go to pub to drink but finds too expensive beverages there . So instead of giving up he goes for Desi ( Country liquor ) and fills his might Up . And at fraction the cost he is more Drunk ....and contended ...( Considering Drinking is the aim and purpose )
Hmmm coming to the point as you mention ...are consoles for Cheap People who cannot Afford Pc .. A Big Wrong..
Think this Way . A console is for one who can Afford a PC and just as enough have Another hardware just to play more games. {{[ ME ]}} :lol:
Try playing Halo 2 On Xbox and Pc's with 6800 Gt ( Me Getting one :) ) and one will know what stuff Xbox is made off.
Console ...Advantages ...
1) No Booting and praying .
2) No Defrag ..and Maintainence
3) Pop the DVD in and Galore at the best Resolutions
4) 21"inches of Tv for Gaming ... :lol:
5) No reading at Minimum Specitions ...Err what is that . :wink:
6) No Hardware maintenance or software ones...
7) Viruses and Spywares...errr whats that...
8) Simply amazing having Xbox GamePad playing NFS2 Underground.
So don't lets curse Consoles . I own Both and really think Consoles as well as the Pc's have both their advantages as well as disadvantages.


i hate flame wars.. so this is my last post here

there are little thingies called polygons, they have come a loooong way since xboxes n ps2s..
Ur beloved consoles are nothing but extensions of video game parlors. where there is no proper fps or strategy.

i personally despise consoles(btw.. the quote was fm creator of black n white)
As to ur 21 inch.. resolution max = 240x480 :lol: unless u go HDTV or lcd way... then price..hmm.
u stick 2 ur consoles n country drunk, revel in the power of ur might console .. live long and prosper.. i'll stick to my 6600(poor me!)


King of my own Castle
Hey comeon Plasmafire ....i never meant to be rude.
Even i said Pc as Consoles have their own advantages . See even i'm right now hunting for 6800Gt Card purely for gaming.
Anyway no fight intended ..Never .
Ok tell me one thing . Since you own Geforce 6600 Card. Is XFX 6800Gt at 25K a Good deal or should i hunt it else where..
Raashi pheripherials have given me that price. Is it good. how much did you get that card for ?


Hey freshseasons,some guys in this forum r gettin 6600 for 7k & 6600Gt for 12K from singapore etc...6800GT may thus come for arnd any friends over there?


da' Ťurntable ruleth
freshseasons said:
Seriously i even suggest If you are gamer and Not good on the Dough please stay away from Pc gaming. Owning an Xbox ..PS2 and a Decent enough Pc ( Ok not decent coz i'm stuck at 5700 Ultra ) .................

well freshseasons iam not flaming you
but this is what i wanna say
not every gamer here earns like me
these gamer eithier depend on money aquired from parents (which is NOT at all enough)
or save up every penny
but then too BOSS 20k hahahahah is tht a joke
man sorry again but i can only dream abt tht card
wait forget it dont even want to dream abt it
be content with that you have is what i think :D


be what ever it is my next gaming device is a CONSOLE


King of my own Castle
liquid_nitrogen88 said:
Hey freshseasons,some guys in this forum r gettin 6600 for 7k & 6600Gt for 12K from singapore etc...6800GT may thus come for arnd any friends over there?

Seriously i got no friend in singapore...I had one person i knew in 2004 march . He was to leave for Singapore and i left 4000Rs for Liquid cool kiy for my CPU. And that was the last i heard from him . He was a Friend of my Friend. Ok i lost 4000 and my Friend 20K for the camcorder money he gave him . Pretty stupid and Silly . Name is Shajid Bhai AKA Farooq ..always see him in messenger and all he tells my friend is he will return the money soon as he gets here from Hong Kong. ( 10 months already passed )
So instead of getting 6800Gt for Around 20K i had love to add my lost 4000 and get it around 24K from Nagpur ... Thanks Liquid_nitrogen88 ( Hey you into Liquid cooling or nitrogen cooling...Can you get me liquid cooling kit )

techno_funky said:
well freshseasons iam not flaming you
but this is what i wanna say
not every gamer here earns like me
these gamer eithier depend on money aquired from parents (which is NOT at all enough)
or save up every penny
but then too BOSS 20k hahahahah is tht a joke
man sorry again but i can only dream abt tht card
wait forget it dont even want to dream abt it
be content with that you have is what i think Very Happy

Very Happy

be what ever it is my next gaming device is a CONSOLE

May GOD bless you ...! I still Dream of that Graphic card in Night. I go to sleep thinking of it and wake up thinking of it. Digit has carried Graphic card review in Jan Issue and i still Dread purchasing that Digit Magazine from newsstand. I know i see that card in magazine and i'm going to Give my money to the first person who can give it to me...
Totally Nuts i think i have gone. Just to help myself i even read ( and Re read 4 times ) the column from Ch*p India magazine guy who said he completed Doom 3 on geforece 2 Mx200 and upgrading cards is not necessary . ( And here i still got 5700 Ultra ) Before my infatuation with that card i loved the article from the author ...I hate him for writing that column'

:roll: Ok let me take the middle Route out
Please someone Tell me performance Comparison of Ati Radeon 9800 with 6600Gt ..Which is better. 6600Gt i can get at Decent 15K here.!?


Aspiring Novelist
amey_dude said:
Thanks for the help!!
As you said i will settle with my old geforce 2 card.
:( Hey will a be able to play nfs u2 on my old card :?:

Yup The Game Will Definetly Run On Ur Card Perfectly......I Suppose if The Ram Aint Good Enough Along With The Processor It Might Just Jerk a Bit There But Will Give A Decent Performance Anyhow :lol:
@Grinning_Evil And Liquidnitrogen.....First and Foremost No Need to Thank Me Pals U guys are The One's deserving it For Possesing The Knowledge Of These Rigs(I Am Just The Recommender Ya See :wink:)......Secondly Man Plzz Guys Stop That MI2 Thingyy :wink: Dont Give Me Dreams Of being Tom Cruise(God Wish I was 8)) Its My Avatar Yaar.....So How Bout Callin Me Andy (Cause Thats My Nick Ya See And Gets Easy For Me Too)......MI2 Yea Right :twisted:
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