Graphic Card buying advice


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TressFX is another way of uselessly decreasing the performance.
Add "Witcher 3", "Planetside 2", "Batman Arkham Origins", "Warframe","Lost Planet 3" as some very popular games in that list. Besides, "PhysX" isn't the same old tech as before. It's using SSE instructions now and not the older x87. So when using an AMD card, "PhysX" runs on CPU. So people can still enjoy the effects albeit a bit toned down.
Yeah since PhysX now runs on CPU too, a good multicore cpu like 8350 or atleast a quadcore is advisable.
Sounds very nice to say "PhysX now supports SSE". heh, it's the SDK 3.x which supports. If a game is made with the old SDK, only x87 for CPU. So, where are the games?

Borderlands 2 despite being released in 2012, still uses 2.8.x which only supported x87 for CPU. Warframe? still using the old SDK. Metro: Last Light? Still using 2.8.x. Witcher 3 and Arkham Origins - we'll know when they release. Hoping it's the new one.

Which game is actually PhysX 3.x with SSE for CPU? Bioshock: Infinite.

It's more optimized for CUDA and these days, even a 760 runs all supporting games with PhysX on and there isn't a drastic performance drop.
Planetside 2? Look what people say: * - GTX 660 Ti can't keep up. One guy even facing problems with a GTX 690. People are not happy with Borderlands 2 either. So, can't generalise that "even a GTX 760 runs all supporting games". The moment you get to a place where effects are more, you get the drops. Performance drop will vary from game to game - like Metro: Last Light doesn't see much drop on the GPU because it is actually using this to enhance the game rather to show gimmicks.


Right off the assembly line
Many Many thanks to all those for all the suggestions....a new processor & new GPU is what I need( I5 & a gtx 7 series will do the trick)...will let u know what a brought....
And give some advice on SSD....will it work with my present HDD with win 7 installed....Do I need to format the HDD ???


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And give some advice on SSD....will it work with my present HDD with win 7 installed....Do I need to format the HDD ???
well, you'll want to install Winodws 7 again on the SSD, won't you? So that your operating system boots fast.

Then you can format your HDD.


I am the night...I am...
TressFX is another way of uselessly decreasing the performance.

Well it gives some cool effects in return. Absolutely worthwhile imo and one can always disable it if his/her system is not up to the job.
Its definitely not useless. Sticking with age old methods of hair rendering is useless. TressFx is a good way of putting a gpu's compute power to good use in games, using API's like directcompute.
It's only gonna evolve more and more.

Sounds very nice to say "PhysX now supports SSE". heh, it's the SDK 3.x which supports. If a game is made with the old SDK, only x87 for CPU. So, where are the games?

Indeed it sounds nice. Yes, the 3.x supports it and all new games including bio shock infinite, planet side 2 and arma 3 use it.*

It's the default SDK now. Borderlands 2 did use 2.8.4, but anything new you see now will be 3.x.
All games using UE4 will use 3.x. Its obvious that 2.x will be phased out. Witcher 3 uses the latest Apex toolset ,fluid simulations and hair effects, only present in 3.x SDK. So its safe to assume it supports SSE. Can't confirm batman AO coz it still runs on UE3. Lets see about that when it releases. Considering PhysX is also the one of the top physics middleware for PS4, there won't be any scarcity of games. Lost planet is also in the list. Witcher 3 looks highly promising. Hawken is also in the list. Despite using 2.8.4, it still runs good enough in cpu.



Planetside 2? Look what people say: * - GTX 660 Ti can't keep up. One guy even facing problems with a GTX 690. People are not happy with Borderlands 2 either. So, can't generalise that "even a GTX 760 runs all supporting games". The moment you get to a place where effects are more, you get the drops. Performance drop will vary from game to game - like Metro: Last Light doesn't see much drop on the GPU because it is actually using this to enhance the game rather to show gimmicks.

Well there are haters everywhere. You'll always find negative comments in forums. That one guy's opinion isn't going to change everything.
There could be plethora of other reasons. I have seen and heard borderlands 2 running flawlessly in a 580. Tkin used to run it in his system with no glitches, despite it using the older 2.x.x sdk.
About metro last light, it was as heavy as its predecessor. It uses old sdk but far optimized. It has the same effects which you call "gimmicks" and does them without any significant performance drops. 660-ti had anorexic memory bus, which was fixed in 760. You'll be surprised by the following:


You do know that metro last light is far more taxing than borderlands 2. It has superior graphics fidelity and has all those effects. At the highest settings you still get 50 + fps which is great.
With games with newer sdk's, this is only going to improve.
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Instead what I suggest you is, sell off your GTX 650 for 7K. With the added money, buy a GTX 770 for 32K. Use GTX 770 for everything.
Why? If you'll go for something like GTX 760 + GTX 650, GTX 650 will NOT be used in 99.99% of the games. Instead get a faster card at the first place i.e. GTX 770.

I was thinking the same thought as OP after I saw some damm cheap cards at flipkart of last generation.
Your solution is best ico, and if he still want a dedi PhysX then after buying a 760/770 he should buy a cheap GT 630 2 GB, INR 4,041/- and add it for PhysX. With 2 GB VRAM hat card will be more than enough for PhysX calculation/processing and it will be cheaper solution.
I'm gonna do the same.
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I am the night...I am...
I was thinking the same thought as OP after I saw some damm cheap cards at flipkart of last generation.
Your solution is best ico, and if he still want a dedi PhysX then after buying a 760/770 he should buy a cheap GT 630 2 GB, INR 4,041/- and add it for PhysX. With 2 GB VRAM hat card will be more than enough for PhysX calculation/processing and it will be cheaper solution.
I'm gonna do the same.

Cards like yours ,770, Titan and 690 can handle PhysX singlehandedly in new games. Performance does not drop drastically like before. Metro last light is a solid example as a proof.
Witcher 3 is again a AAA title having a next gen engine. The effects, especially water and particle effects look very promising. Have to see how these cards handle PhysX in titles of that calibre.
Witcher 3 also sports cpu PhysX. In that demo showing wolf's fur, cpu PhysX is shown in the 2nd scene. AMD users can enjoy it too now.

PhysX is restrictive to Nvidia because of CUDA. If they ever launch an open-cl version, then it will run in AMD gpu's too. Actually PhysX in PS4 is going to run on its gpu, which is an AMD GCN based. :)


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Cards like yours ,770, Titan and 690 can handle PhysX singlehandedly in new games. Performance does not drop drastically like before. Metro last light is a solid example as a proof.
Witcher 3 is again a AAA title having a next gen engine. The effects, especially water and particle effects look very promising. Have to see how these cards handle PhysX in titles of that calibre.
Witcher 3 also sports cpu PhysX. In that demo showing wolf's fur, cpu PhysX is shown in the 2nd scene. AMD users can enjoy it too now.

PhysX is restrictive to Nvidia because of CUDA. If they ever launch an open-cl version, then it will run in AMD gpu's too. Actually PhysX in PS4 is going to run on its gpu, which is an AMD GCN based. :)
I agree with you that GTX 780 is more than capable for a single screen but I have some dough left, so I was thinking of adding a dedi PhysX card but now I am torn between anew mouse and gfx. Well tomorrow I will get the GTX delivered and I will see what happens with Metro LL, then I will decide.
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