GPU for old system!!!!

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Broken In
hi every one

i have a really old system
the config is:

CPU - Intel Pentium 4 2.40 GHz
Mobo - Intel i845GL
Ram - 2x512 MB DDR @ 133 MHz
Onboard VRAM - 64 MB
LG 700E 17" CRT Monitor (max. resolution upto 1280x1024)
400 Watt PSU

can i add any graphic card to this system.........what are my options?
if yes....what games can I play??


Broken In
buying HD 5670 is no problem for me. but as i have written earlier that i have an intel i845GL mobo. I just want to know that whether the following card will be compatible with my mobo....does my mobo a have PCI-E port since i guess the 5670 should have PCI-E. I really don't know wether my mobo has PCI-E port or not.

if it is compatible with my mobo then what games can i play and how much bottleneck will be my CPU. will i get playable frame rate at 1280x1024 ...since my monitor does not support above resolutions.



Gadget Freak
I think your motherboard(845 chipset based) doesn't have PCI-e slot, actually it has AGP slot.So you can't install new generation graphics card which require pcie slot to work.If you can find AGP based graphics card that will be good for ur system.
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Gaming Unlimited
i googled and found different versions of that mobo which had pcie x16 slot, so i recommended him HD 5670 ^^


Gadget Freak
Let him checked it whether his motherboard has AGP or Pci-e.....I am somehow sure about the AGP slot.


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ OP - can you post a pic of your mobo - that will help us determine what type of gfx slot you have.


Broken In
thank you every one for replying........i will upload the pic very soon........BTW if i have AGP port then which graphic cards i can buy.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ as far as I know your mobo don't has any agp slot but a pic will clear everything anyway ;-)


Gaming Unlimited
IMO AGP cards arent manufactured and its not worth the money. Better save some money and buy it after you are ready to spend.


Broken In
sorry guys for being late
here's the pic



Super Moderator
Staff member
Like I suspected earlier his mobo don't has any AGP port and leave alone pci-e slot. Only chance if he can get any nvidia 5xxx or 6xxx series PCi gfx card but finding themn could be a real PITA and modern mobos with Integrated IGP will beat them easily anyway ;-)

So only option OP got here is to upgrade and get a new cpu+mobo+ram : Athlon II X2 250 @ 2.7k + ASUS M4A78LT-M LE AM3 @ 2.6k + Transcend/Kingston 2GB DDr2 1333Mhz Value Ram @ 1k


Super Moderator
Staff member
he first need to get a new cpu+mobo+ram and only then he can think of getting a gfx card ;-)


Adam young
Go with topgear's suggestion.and if u lack budget u can add a gfx card in future till that u can use integrated gpu, atleast better than any agp card.
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