GPU for avchd video editing


Right off the assembly line
I have a system with the following specs:

Intel Core 2-duo E-4500 @2.20 ghz

2 GB Ram (will upgrade to 4 or 6 GB)

Asus p5qpl Am motherboard

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Viewsonic VA226w monitor (1680x1050 resolution)

Now I have a new Sony HX9v camera which records excellent video in AVCHD format (1920x1080p 50fps at 28mbps bitrate). Upon transferring this video to my computer, the system cannot even play this video properly, let alone edit, even on a Sony Vegas Elements editing software (which is supposed to be the best for editing video from Sony consumer cameras)

So I have decided to go for a graphics card so I can get better editing performance (gaming would be secondary for me).

After much googling I have arrived at the XFX HD 6790 card for about Rs 7200, but all the reviews so far benchmark only against gaming performance, and hardly mention video editing. SO my question to experts is, are there different cards which would be better for my purposes, keeping a budget of 7k in mind? Or is this a good choice?

Thank you all in advance for your replies.


Adam young
you can go with is a good card and i guess you may need to increase your ram and oc your processor a bit to get full out of this card.btw what is your PSU.


Right off the assembly line
you can go with is a good card and i guess you may need to increase your ram and oc your processor a bit to get full out of this card.btw what is your PSU.

PSU is generic, whatever the computer shop gave me. I didn't realise it could be important at the time. Do I have to upgrade that to power the GPU?

How does one go about overclocking a processor?


Super Moderator
Staff member
you need to a good PSU to power up the gfx card and avoid XFX at all cost - let us know your budget for the PSu.


Well, I hadn't planned for a PSU as well, but would say 1k cover it?

How is Sapphire as a brand for the 6790?

No 1k is too less for a good branded reliable PSU.

Get the FSP sagaII 500W PSU @2.1k
And get the HD6790 for 7.2k

If its overshooting your budget, get the HD6770 instead for 6.2k


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ That would be just perfect for him and if FSP Saga II 500 is unavailable Op can opt for Corsair CX430v2 ;-)


laborare est orare
I think Sapphire and MSI should be a better choice due to their better after sales service.
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