Google launch new service :: Google print

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What is Google Print?

Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since a lot of the world's information isn't yet online, we're helping to get it there. Google Print puts the content of books where you can find it most easily; right in Google search results.

find more at *

(Computer Engineer*)


The Photoshop Guy
man google on a spree i think it gonna make many biggies outta buisness ;)
* laughs out loud *

..:: peace ::..


*Google Search.
*Google News
*Google Groups
*Google Mail (Gmail)
*Google PhotoSearch.
*Google Desktop (desktopsearch).
*Google Alert
*Google Wireless.
*Google Shopping (froogle)
*Google Catalouges
*Google Universities
*Google Answers
*Google Calculator
*Google Labs
*Google Special Search
*Google Local
*Google Translate
*Google Blogs
*Google Photo Orginiser (Picasa)
*Google Web API (API's to use Google's search features in ur S/W)

and now there is a possiblity of
*Google IM (lots of sites are showing possiblities that google is developing an IM tool)

---Seriously Google is really pushing into almost all possible web based ventures and slowly into ur desktop eith tools like google Desktop..


Broken In
You can find screenshots of Google print here

Most of us are moving towards the GDesktop - the the new OS from Google
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