If you are wondering the sudden drop in your page rank or just total elimination then please read on. Google is changing the way it displays search results and indexes them. The Page Rank concept is now out of date and new thing called as "Personalized Search' is going to be the next big thing.This means that Google will display results based on the personal searching habits of the individual. e.g. if you search for a term 'java' some people might want to know about the 'java programming' while others the 'java coffee beans'. So now based on your past search queries and your selection, Google will display the resultsfor your term 'java'. This means I might get entirely different results than you for same keyword!
Read full story at my blog here: *www.amol-patil.com/tech-news/6-tec...has-changed-seo-will-no-more-be-the-same.html