Google Chrome Book Like View - Do the Dual

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An amazing javascript plugin which enable Google chrome users to view two tabs side by side, just like two pages of an open book. This is a good thing since now it is very easy to compare two things from by looking at them in a side by side view. For instance, search results from google and yahoo can be compared easily.

Full tutorial here-



Enable Dual / Triple View and that too both horizontally and vertically in Google Chrome : *
Such things may look cool in firefox, but not google chrome.
IMO, google chrome should stay as it is - light, and designed to do the simple essentials, and do them perfectly.
Extentions for niche functionality should be left with firefox, which is DESINGED for such things.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
@Myself: damn.. Always read the original posts correctly :p

I thought it was a script to view two pages in one tab and not two tabs side by side :p
@hullap: thanks for clarification.
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