GFX Query 2


Hi guys...Thanks to all of ur inputs & timely help, i had zeroed in on the Sapphire HD5670 1gb...However during Diwali my budget increased to arnd 8.5k & also after performing some research on the internet, i found that the Zotac GTS450 1gb & Powercolor HD5770 fit in my budget very well...Now i wanna know which one will suit my requirement with regards to the following-
1) Non AC environment, so less hot card
2) My SMPS is a VIP 500W ( dont wanna upgrade until ABSOLUTELY necessary)
3) Already having 3 HDDs (250gb+500gb+1tb) on board with my config (chk my signature)
4) I`m into 3d rendering although i know quadro is the min i shud be considering
Kindly advise
Thanks a lottt :)


laborare est orare
Hi guys...Thanks to all of ur inputs & timely help, i had zeroed in on the Sapphire HD5670 1gb...However during Diwali my budget increased to arnd 8.5k & also after performing some research on the internet, i found that the Zotac GTS450 1gb & Powercolor HD5770 fit in my budget very well...Now i wanna know which one will suit my requirement with regards to the following-
1) Non AC environment, so less hot card
2) My SMPS is a VIP 500W ( dont wanna upgrade until ABSOLUTELY necessary)
3) Already having 3 HDDs (250gb+500gb+1tb) on board with my config (chk my signature)
4) I`m into 3d rendering although i know quadro is the min i shud be considering
Kindly advise
Thanks a lottt :)

Go for HD 5770. It is better performer than GTS 450 and have very good overclocking potential. It also runs cooler and less power hungry. Regarding PSU, I'm not sure whether it can support HD 5770. Let us know the current rating in its 12V rail.


laborare est orare
I think it will be written over the PSU. Please check. I think it But for being in safer side, get a good PSU like Gigabyte Superb 80+ 460 W.


t3h g04t
Your system should already be drawing around 200-220W, adding the 5770 would add around 170W to the mix. IIRC, VIP used to make pretty good PSUs back in the day, however, they are nowhere near as efficient as a decent unit from Antec etc. and this would be cutting it pretty fine. It should run but change the PSU if you notice any instability.


A small update!...Since i intend to buy from Primeabgb, Mumbai, I called em up only to know that they now have in stock, the MSI Hawk 5770 for 9.4k, which is out of my budget since i`ll have to invest in a PSU too...Now i wanna know the following-
1) Will the Gigabyte PSU be future compatible since
a) I might add more RAM &
b) Is it as powerful Corsair vx450 & future-compatible ??

2)How about my 2nd Option of Zotac GTS450, since Primeabgb quoted 7.9k for it
which would be 7.9k + GB PSU of 2.2k = 10.1k

Please advise

Hey guys...ANYBODY?????
Please..i need help soon before my budget tumbles down
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