Security freak
The project is coded in Python. You need to have Python installed for it to run (Python runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD, etc...). If you do have Python installed the underlying OS doesn't matter (other than paths for finding file names, availability of certain tools outside of Python, a very few Python internals, etc...)vish786 said:How to use it.
installed both xplanet/xearth also.
command :
error: command not found.
and i didnt see any windows related files in downloaded files, then how can it run in win
What you need to do is this:
If you're on Windows, download, if you're on *nix, download the GeoXPlanet-0.3.1.tar.bz2. *These archives are EXACTLY the same files!!*, the zip is provided as a convenience for Windows users (WinZip/7zip/etc... can open tar.bz2 files, but some people don't know that). Once you download the archive of your choice, extract it to a directory of your choice (for Windows users, Desktop is probably best, since there is a compatibility issue with winXPlanetBG that's currently unresolved (I'll get to it this weekend, if I can)). Once you've extracted it, enter the directory where you extracted the project, and run "./" for *nix (Note the "X" in the name, and the capitalization!), and for Windows "python.exe" (assuming python.exe is on your PATH), though you might be able to type simply "". On my XP machine at work when I double click the file, it opens a command prompt and runs it. Perhaps I have a setting that needs to be outlined in the README?
Once the script is running, it should display "Performing lookup on <ip address>", but it's obviously only going to do that if you have active connections. I have a modification planned (implemented on my machine at home) that spits out a "Waiting for connections..." statement if no connections are found on the first pass, and that will be released soon with fixes for a few other issues.
By 0.4 I hope to have the Windows support working much better =\
ACK!mehulved said:In Installation section of README, I can't find anything about making the file as executable. And the file wasn't executable too. I extracted the tarball with
A small quirk but it may confuse new users.Code:sudo tar xjpvf GeoXPlanet-0.3.1.tar.bz2
Thanks for pointing that out! If you're running GeoXPlanet on *nix, you need to run:
chmod 700
and if you run gnome, you need to run:
chmod 700
My apologies if this caused any confusion! This will be fixed in later releases...
GeoXPlanet-0.3.2 is out...
This release includes arcs, colors, and titling the points with the port numbers of the connections.
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