Gaming rig for old games

Now please post your final config. ^:+1: 3d gaming is painful if you play for a long time. I've experienced it. Played a 3d game for around 1hr and then eyes started watering and hurting . If you play fast paced games then the strain will be more.



wise but not owl
Yes, HD7950 is best suited for that budget, but reading OP's posts here, I think it will go in a total vain.
i agree with you. i think i should set a benchmark(or whatever you say). i want to play the most power hunger game(might be mass effect 2)of 2010 at 80fps and all the visuals maxed out.
i agree with you. i think i should set a benchmark(or whatever you say). i want to play the most power hunger game(might be mass effect 2)of 2010 at 80fps and all the visuals maxed out.

Please mention the best applicable statement in your case:

A) You haven't played all the 3-4 year old games and are really really excited to play them.

B) You have heard of and may be seen older games but don't know anything (or few things) about the newer games, so when you hear about or see them, you will definitely play them.

C) You have seen and heard of both older and latest games but are interested only in playing the old games.

D) You will game only occasionally and that too will not be an intense session, maybe just for relaxation or time-pass.


wise but not owl
Please mention the best applicable statement in your case:

A) You haven't played all the 3-4 year old games and are really really excited to play them.

B) You have heard of and may be seen older games but don't know anything (or few things) about the newer games, so when you hear about or see them, you will definitely play them.

C) You have seen and heard of both older and latest games but are interested only in playing the old games.

D) You will game only occasionally and that too will not be an intense session, maybe just for relaxation or time-pass.

in my case its A and C.
i am only confused about the graphic card.
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in my case its A and C.
i am only confused about the graphic card.
Well, as you will be playing only the older games, an HD7770 will be more than enough for you for a couple of years. It can handle today's games at medium settings :) You should also reconsider your requirements, expectations and the config you've decide as per your new requirements :)


ya hd 7950 or 7970 is big overkill for old won;t need would be hd 7850 as it is enough for old games upto 2010.don not worry about quality gpu from rs 2000 to rs 30000 have good quality components,just the difference is performance

think wisely donot waste money on which you won't need it:wink:


opee, forget the idea of playing old dames and start playing metro 2033 or crysis 3 with ur 50k rig. :)


wise but not owl
so i will go with sapphire hd7870 xt with boost, i will finally post my rig after you suggest about the cooler and psu.
thanx for all your help.


wise but not owl
so, the thread has concluded. i will buy it in the coming month.

hey, i too want to know about these technology stuffs and i will start with graphic cards.
should i post a new thread or where should i start from.


laborare est orare
if your questions are too generic then before asking I suggest you to read some of the sticky threads already present here. They'll provide you basic idea about it.
Here are couple of them:-


Cyborg Agent
@op you can buy from MD Coputers they have good price, good stock above all they are giving out latest games like(farcry 3, crysis 3 etc.)free with purchase.
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