how much does an hd 7990 costs?
haha ya i know ankush...
guys how can i get bluetooth and wifi pn my pc,please tell,and i7 4770k is for 19k i can increase my budget to 92k by adding 4770k...
ankush28 the gpu which you suggested me requires 850 watt of power supply i saw specsof this gpu at my psu is just 650 watt,please change it bro...
That would require changing the motherboard and PSU. (and possibly RAM). What config are you currently going with?Can i chanve my cpu to i7 4770k?
its TX650v2, not Txv2.lNTEL RIG :
Intel i5 3570k - rs 14000
Gigabyte z77 - U3dh mobo - rs 12000
G-skill ripjaws x 1600mhz 4gb x 2 - rs 4400
Gigabyte hd 7970 oc 3gb / Saphhire hd 7970 3gb boost edition - Rs 27000
Corsair Txv2 650w Psu - rs 5500
Wd cavier blue 1tb hd - rs 3700
Dell s2240l ips led - rs 8500
Asus 24x dvd writer - rs 1000
Cooler master hyper evo 212 + - rs 2100
Corsair 400r cabinet - rs 4700
Total - rs 82,900 (without periphals)