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Game4u Gaming Store opens shop in Mumbai
Get Peggle Nights for Free(PC and Mac versions)But, the times are changing at a rapid pace and Milestone Games Pvt. Ltd(one of the India’s biggest game distributors) have unveiled their first gaming store-Game4u. Located at Oshiwara in Mega Mall. Game4u gaming store is India’s first full-fledged one-stop gaming store and aims to bring all the latest gaming offerings to the consumer in the quickest possible time. The store offers gamers with a bevy of choices, covering both gaming hardware and software across all gaming platforms(PC,Ps3,Xbox360,DS and PSP). The store is backed by a group of well-trained and knowledgeable staff which will assist gamers in choosing their desired products without any hassles.
Gamersmint Review: Napoleon: Total WarI just visited the PopCap games website and a pleasant surprise awaited me. Popcap games is offering you a free cope of Peggle Night for both the PC and Mac. Its one of the best puzzle games around and getting a chance to play it for free is something you should not miss!
PS- Click on the links to read full storyThat’s the deal with Napoleon: Total War. It’s a well-polished, solid effort with quite a few improvements that I’ll get to in due course, but these praises somehow ring hollow for this game. The reason – it’s not a giant leap. Now, don’t get me wrong, nobody expected this particular title to redefine the RTS genre, or even the tried and tested formula of the series. However, no one can be blamed for expecting a little more, something they won’t be getting from this game.