1.Connect on pc via your mobile office connection.
2.Open this url:
Now surf from here, free.
Aur kuch???
How to make it work for Vodafone(Delhi)??
1.Connect on pc via your mobile office connection.
2.Open this url:
Now surf from here, free.
Aur kuch???
well i did not read the procedure above
I m a airtel prepaid user and GPRS works free on my phone
No extra setting
I m not talking about airtel live
I m talking about GPRS
I access orkut , yahoo messenger , google search and even thinkdigit from my phone and i dont get charged
This is happening since last 8 months
May this continue !!
I am able to use it on firefox also, without any problem.Ya this k
U need opera9 with proxy set to
Also in ur network connections me xp make the Airtel one as default
Browse through google mobiliser as given above
Needed: Opera browser(sis, sisx).
1.Install opera browser on your s60 mobile.
2. Open this url via “Airte Live APN” setting:
Or Only
4. first link will open Google and second
5. Now surf totally free with speed for free from here.
How to make it work for Vodafone(Delhi)??
I am able to use it on firefox also, without any problem.
Now a new fully working and easy trick:
This trick is needed symbian s60 any version.
But don't you have the Unlimited net??
What's the point of browsing net through your phone's slow connection when u have a unlimited MTNLbroadband?
Unless you are in Timbuktu and have no Internet Connection
dude when my usage exeeds 1.5gb(i have limited b/w -bsnl h500)...due to exess playing of urt....i use this browsing to avoid boredom..though its bit slow but it works...