for sell MB+processor+AGP

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MMO Addict
Original intel 865GBF motherboard, intel 2.8GHz HT processor and a XFX Gforce 5700LE 128 MB GFX card. All about 3 years old. i'm in bangalore. plz quote your price.



Im too had an exact of your procy,mobo and card ...and in one night my card slightly burned ...

Im interested in ur card only... So you say three years old and so there will be no warranty left for now and and now it has become an old type version of card.. New market rates at rs.2000..

im quoting rs.700..


aneesh kalra

Mclaren F1 Long tail
interested in graphics card please tell your asking price for it.My mobo and processor and combo is exactly same as yours.


No longer here..
mr goobimama....he quoted me 7000/- for the mobo + proc....I told him i could give him 4.8K u want the stuff for


In the zone
@indian_samosa: Are u really willing to buy @4.8k or just pulling his leg because he joked with u by quoting out of the world price of 7k????


 Macboy
Array bhai, what's wrong with quoting? why do the lol thing?

I have no idea that he quoted 7k for the stuff and that you quoted 4.8k for the stuff so where does that come from? I'm not even interested in the card, just the mobo + CPU and 7k is totally outrageous for that combo. 4.8k maybe, but I'm not willing to pay that much.

That's all I have to say.


No longer here..
@imranais....when he pm'd me the price stating its 7000/- for the mobo+proc only .. i didnt think he was kiddin' ,...why would anybody?

@goobimama ....."raagar jaavnaka re".The lol thing was not for you actually was for me.Actually some days ago when he pm'd me the price I thought 7000 god.So I sent him another message stating i m willing to buy for 4.8( i came to that price ...i did some ebayin' and found the price of mobo to be 4.5K and same for the proc ..)(i really have no clue on the exact prices..but it will be something lower then i halved the prices since its 3 years old and also 478 is dead yaar...I just wanted that system since i m on 1Ghz P3 ...and its S....L....O....W...) ...but he didnt reply to it.So I guess he is expecting definately more than that.So when i saw your post quoting 2K ..i couldnt help myself.i know you have just quoted and also said that its negotiable.But dont mind yaar...if you think 2K or little more than is good for the system...then good thing I didnt buy it from him for 4.8K.

Anyways...imranais and goobimama....what according to you shud be the price of that proc+mobo secondhand that is ??


Waiting for 3 Miracles...
i quote 2K for motherboard only.... Does anybody knows the location......... Hey longlife if you need just the processor contact me at i am based in mumbai... if i get rid of the processor i will not need the the motherboard at all . i think i will go in for a full upgrade to core2 duo......... alternately you can send a sms at 9867568037 and i will give you a call..........
sorry my mistake the guy is based in banglore
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MMO Addict
i said 7k for the whole MB+Proc+GFX. so if some1 dont like my quotation then dont buy.. who asked you? why waste time by writing what do you THINK about my quotation? by the way, PM feature is for PRIVATE MESSAGE only. so i think some of the guys here need to learn what PRIVACY is...


No longer here..
dude..cmon yaar.....whats so private in this thread man...i mean you are trying to sell something legally right?? ..its not like you are doing something illegal here.
And If you remember properly i sent you a pm back saying i want to buy the mobo+proc for 4.8K didnt even reply to it.You shud have replied man.Why I opened my mouth here on this thread is that...first you posted this thread way back some days...I even had replied on this thread after the first post ....I waited ...and waited for you to reply....but in vain.So I thought may be you are not interested(then i deleted the post).So I then sent you a pm.I told the price to goobimama ....since i wanted him to get an idea of the prices you offering.

Also please dont be so VAGUE in answering to pm's please.I asked you price for mobo+proc ....and you send me price for "mobo+proc+gfx" ...cmon man!!!And please close your conversations when you have completed the discussion or are not interested....dont leave people waiting yaar!!

And by the way ....Its YOU who shud quote the price starightaway in your first ...rather then we tryin to pm and post messages here.IF your prices are ok for a certain person then he can continue on his pursuit.

Anyways...I am still interested in your mobo+proc can you please tell me its price.It will be nice if you make ur offer that if its nice and low...and more people want it...they can themselves bid higher and higher ...what you say?
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