Folder option gone!

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dig_boy_dig,dig !
Anindya said:
I cant find The Folder Option under the Tools menu. Plz help me restore it. Thanks
Please go through this thread.


I think with the help of those you can solve your problem


following link works only if u r using win xp pro

run gpedit.msc
admin tools(last option)
windows xplorer
there vil b an option to show folder option
hope it ll work


||uLtiMaTE WinNER||
It may be due to virus...........
And hey buudy....Search Before U post......

It may be due to virus...........
And hey buudy....There are many threads related to it........Search Before U post......

It may be due to virus...........
And hey buudy....There are many threads related to it........Try to Search( If possible) .....Before U post......
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Right off the assembly line
This video is step by step tutorial to solve your problem of folder option missing
if it is helpful to you plz rate it 5
thank you..:)
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