@gx_saurav like virtualization?
That & much more, number crunching, rendering, encoding & transcoding etc....People already have good enough hardware but they are always paranoid for resource usage, are resource ka karoge kya when they are sitting idle. KDE & GNome are good in usability terms, i mean features etc....I myself use XFCE in Zenwalk core which i m using on a external HD for cyber cafes etc but that is where it makes sense to use it. What is the point of being paranoid about resource usage when u have a fairly new computer?
Mehul, you say Ubuntu is a bit slow on your 2 GHz CPU, well...2 GHz is lot of power to run an OS if tailored with 512 MB RAM, why not compile the kernel & application packages of Ubuntu for the hardware u r using to get extra performance, u just have to do it once...or every 6 months when u upgrade the Distro
^Nope he probably means anti-virus, anti-infection, disk defragement kinda softwares!
Thanx for adding your useless comment & troll attempt.
See, all I m saying that whats the point of using such window managers like Flubox which don't even come with a file manager. Why not use KDE Gnome etc which provide much more features which can be removed if the user wants, to make them slim & fast.