Flash or HDD?

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Nowadays phones are coming with huge memory sizes like 4 GB or 8GB. I want to know which type of memory is better in such cases,Flash based or Hard Disk based?
Also it is said that HDD based memory devices are prone to crash on jerk and impact, is that so? Plz clarify and tell me which type of memory does N95 8GB version has?


if u want max space then HD-based oln is wat u shud b lookin 4

if u want durability then flash based soln is wat u shud b lookin 4

currently the flash based device still have less max space than a Hd-based device

the N95 is a flash based phone
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^^ N95 8gb is also flash based, the only hdd based nokia phone I know of is the n91 (4/8gb)


I'm basically looking for a S60 phone as in my next i.e Final year of I.T engg. I'm having J2ME, which will allow me to develop programs for Java phones but besides that I need a good sturdy S60 phone on which I can not only test my software and U.I but also is good on all sides. Currently I have a Nokia 5200 on which I've deployed many themes created by myself and phone works fine too. Memory HDD based is problem in my case as for reaching college I often have to sprint behind Roadways Buses and also often the buses are clogged with people so the phone needs to be sturdy too. I shortlisted these on the basis of preference:
  1. N95 8GB version
  2. E51
  3. N73 ME
So what's ur say folks???:cool:
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