Cyborg Agent
:shock: :hyper:



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Deleted member 118788

I have started with this. I am on Episode 3rd of Arrow Season 1 now. I know I have to cover a long ground.


The Power of x480
Staff member
I have started with this. I am on Episode 3rd of Arrow Season 1 now. I know I have to cover a long ground.

Not nearly as long as watching all 4 seasons of Heroes, before starting with Heroes Reborn...
But you are going to have a blast with both of the Arrow seasons now. :doublethumb:


Federal Agent Area 51
Staff member
Arrow Constantine Crossover happening soon :hyper:



Lost in speed
Will Ronnie be Alive?

Garrick told that he's been sucked into Earth-1, while fighting zoom on Earth-2. Right now, he's stranded (sort of) on Earth-1 as he lost his speed powers, though he fought a way to go back to his place via the Speed cannon which they built recently.

Meanwhile on Earth-1, both Flash and Firestorm were struggling to close the singularity in S02E01. Firestorm tries to close the wormhole by sacrificing himself, but Flash was able to save Stein, as Ronnie was supposedly dead.

If Garrick is stranded on Earth-1, why not Ronnie is stranded on Earth-2 just ike him, and did not have any means to travel back to Earth-1?


Truth Seeker
Will Ronnie be Alive?

Garrick told that he's been sucked into Earth-1, while fighting zoom on Earth-2. Right now, he's stranded (sort of) on Earth-1 as he lost his speed powers, though he fought a way to go back to his place via the Speed cannon which they built recently.

Meanwhile on Earth-1, both Flash and Firestorm were struggling to close the singularity in S02E01. Firestorm tries to close the wormhole by sacrificing himself, but Flash was able to save Stein, as Ronnie was supposedly dead.

If Garrick is stranded on Earth-1, why not Ronnie is stranded on Earth-2 just ike him, and did not have any means to travel back to Earth-1?
May be... or may not be..
Remember, ronnie is not a speedster.. Now we do know that he got sucked into the sigularity.. but that doesn't mean that he went to Earth-2.. Only Zoom (another speedster) can travel back and forth right now..


Cyborg Agent

Barry:What do you know about Zoom?
Harrison wells:Everything. I created Zoom
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The Power of x480
Staff member
Finally caught upto Ep 6 of Flash and Arrow. Episode 6 was ground breaking for both Flash and Arrow.

In Flash..
We finally have a Zoom VS Flash fight. And it was AWESOME. The way Zoom dragged Flash all over town... what! Very "Nolan" type feeling in this episode. Darker episode than usual for a Flash episode.

In Arrow, this week...
We get Ray Palmer. And now that we have also got Sara, I think we are in for the show to start soon, "TLoT".


Man , I am so pissed watching every friend and family member of Oliver queen turning into a vigilante who apparently does't seem to die.
Even if they do , somehow they get resurrected back time and again because of that Lazarus pit.
I hope they don't find a way to fix the pit or any alternate magic

And for **** sake , Laurel please stop being a vigilante. She gets her *** kicked almost every fight. :angry:

You know one of the reasons why people love GoT ? Because people don't come back from the dead. They either die (painfully) or they live long enough to see the throne. [ John snow coming back from the DeaD is a universal wish though , an exception.]
Not that I am trying to relate two different genre of shows together but just trying to cite an example about how a TV Series stays more exciting and nail biting when most of the dead people stay dead.

- - - Updated - - -

And this is a DC Universe , please don't make this marvel. Throw some bloody darkness & pain into it.
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The Power of x480
Staff member
Lol... I think Arrow is pretty dark when it needs to be.

I saw this video last night about what happened to Heroes series after the first season. Where it jumped the shark and things started to go south. As it turns out, the event where that happened was the point where dead use to be resurrected by Claire's blood.

When writers find a way to undo death, its usually too much. Since there's no stake. You can kill anyone and bring them back. I don't think Arrow would make the same mistake which Heroes did.

The bringing back of Sara was done for the sole purpose of putting her in Legends of Tomorrow series.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Felicity's Lock Screen: Felicity's Phone's Lock Screen! - Imgur :wub:


How can I get it??? And which phone does she use? Doesn't look Nexus since volume rocker is on left.


Democracy is a myth
Arrow So4
E2 to E5

Spot on! As I told already on my first episode review how Arrow picked up the speed exactly from where it left in S03...with inclusion of Constantine and now possible ATOM coming back, its getting interesting this time.

Yet to catch up with Flash latest offerings.
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