all of you who support opera,thanx
anyway let me tell u something(no offence)
firefox vs opera
download and install
Firefox's 1.0.7'sinstaller weighs 4.7mb whereas opera 8.5 weights lighter at 3.6 mb.this is all the more remarkable because opera includes an email client,rss reader and irc client in the base install,whereas firefox requires additional components to be downoaded later.
result-firefox 0 opera 1
2.look and feel
opera opens in a very clean and minimalist window.the tab bar is on the top right and each tab has it's own toolbar.the interface is less cluttered.of course, u can also custonize your toolber if u want.everything in opera is nicely shaded and pleasently coloured.visual effects and alpha blending put the icing on the cake.but firefox is not bad either.
Where opera truly shines is in it's handling of web pages.tabs are implemented far better in opera.they have done their homework on tabs.
result-firefox 2 opera 4
3.usage and features
this i cant say anything becoz it's the user's own personal experience.

so i give equal marks to both
result-firefox-3 opera 3
Widely touted as the "most customizable browser on the planet",Firefox does indeed offer hundreds of extensions.Most of these are made by the users themselves.Google has it's version for firefox as well.While a number of firefox extensions are designed to mimic the functions that opera has built in.Both browsers have search fields next to their address bars.Opera even lets u search directly from the address bar using keyboards for each search engine.
result firefox 2 opera 4
5.resource utilization
firefox uses about 30 mb of ram and an equal amount of virtual memory with about fifteen tabs open,whereas opera consumes up to 70 mb ram and well over a 100 mb of virtual memory under the same load.
result firefox 3 opera 3
firefox scores 10
opera scores 15
firefox may be good for newbies but opera clearly makes the cut.