Finally Shifted!!!

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Evil Genius
Hi All!

I just wanted to create this thread to let ya'll know that even though I am a hopeless newbie who has never known better than to use Windows...this post is being made with Firefox in my full-fledged install of PC Linux OS!! And I'm loving it!!!

3 Cheers for Linux...:razz:


Evil Genius
You know...the most impressive thing with Linux has been how amazingly easy everything is!! Nothing hangs...ever. All the programs I've either used before (Firefox, XMMS) or they are very intuitive and in some cases better than the programs I used on Windows.

Furthermore...the EYE CANDY!! OMG Linux is amazing! I used to feel cool running Window Blinds and ObjectDock and IconPackager...but Linux has all that built by default! Wow! The fonts...the presentation...everything...this thing rocks so hard!!!!

And finally...the console...I'm just starting to get used to it and learning the commands from some websites and how you can use "|" characters to link up commands and how you use arguments properly and things like that. I dunno if that's how you do stuff in Windows since I never got an opportunity to use the Console for anything but I really prefer just typing one line instead of clicking around like 20 times. And Linux gives me that...

If I didn't have to play games on Windows, I'd shift right now. As the matter stands, I've already managed to enable write-access on my NTFS drives and EVERYTHING apart from gaming I'm doing from Linux and its all so EASY! :D :D :D


i created two threads asking a problem in installing mandriva

my problem is that after selecting the language,security level its asking for drive selection and then i selected use existing partition then it asked to select packages after selecting packages its saying not enough space but i do have 18 gb on that partion whats the prob help me plzzz

some one give detailed installation procedure for installing mandriva linux


Evil Genius
@led_shankar: Yeah...I tried Amarok, but the player was really unwieldy...I dunno, too much like Windows Media Player and MusicMatch Jukebox I guess...and I HATE those players...really annoying. Also, I didn't like the fact that Amarok can't play music files from NTFS partitions by have to drag and drop or browse to them through Konqueror and then add them manually. Playlist's don't work in Amarok from NTFS drives either...:(

Oh I've barely gotten settled into PCLOS but there's this new release of Sabayon Linux out and I'm starting to drool's Sabayon for a noob?? :)


Ambassador of Buzz
even i have shifted from vista to debian a few days back. had initial problems but now all smooth, thanks to the members of the forum who helped me. one thing i noticed about linux is that if i open a application after a day's running of linux it opens at the same speed as a rebooted system. unlike windows, its performance doesnt degrades over time. :D


18 Till I Die............
I would advise you to stay with PCLinuxOS for the time being. Learn it for a while and then move.
It's a goof thing that you want to learn CLI. It can make so many tasks easier.
Sabayon is one distro in which you'd feel really comfortable using CLI, since it's gentoo based.
Sabayon is actually gentoo made simple but to use it effectively, you need to know a little about linux first and you also need to read the basic documents. One of the best places IMO to read up is gentoo handbook and gentoo wiki. Once you read those, doesn't matter how much you've actually understood. You will understand in due course of time.

And '|' isn't used to join the statements, it's a pipe. As, it's name suggests, like a pipeline it transfers something from one command to other. This can explain better *
&& is used to join multiple statements.

Oh and I just realised, the new release of sabayon you're talking about is 3.4 Loop2. It's a beta version. It's not the final 3.4 version. Wait for the final version to release.
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Evil Genius
@mehulved: Thanks, that made a lot of sense! Yeah...I'll wait only.

And I know what I said was wrong...I was reading up on (IIRC) and there it said you use the | to put one after the other...for instance i want to rename a file and then movie to a diff folder, I type:

cp file1 file2 | mv file1 /directory2

Am I right?? Anyway...I am still learning all these things, and hopefully I should soon be improved enough to try out more advanced distributions. But honestly...everything just works!! Just like it should!! And when you end up doing everything yourself, you tend to be able to fix problems more easily in the future. For instance, I figured out how to get the broadband internet to work on my computer. I always used to have to get the Airtel wala to come home and fix it, but now I do it myself. Linux is awesome!!

PS: Is it only me, or is the internet faster in Linux?? I'm getting SUPER torrent speeds now than I used to earlier...


Wire muncher!
faraaz said:
this post is being made with Firefox in my full-fledged install of PC Linux OS!! And I'm loving it!!!
correct choice of distro is everything for a first timer and u've made an excellant choice! :)

faraaz said:
The fonts
i think this is one of the aspects which is well implemented in only a few distros. this mebbe subjective. but i feel that only some distros haf it.

faraaz said:
Playlist's don't work in Amarok from NTFS drives either
they will not coz the playlist structure is such that the absolute path is saved in it. try opening a playlist in a text editor (m3u, pls etc.) to see why they are not opening here. replace the drive letter (as shown in windows) wid the mount point of that drive in linux and also replace all '\' wid '/'.

azzu said:
some one give detailed installation procedure for installing mandriva linux
is it the last partition? there must be some error in the mft. try gparted to partition again (backup ur data in any case) and then dun partition wid the mandriva installer. just select the partition created wid gparted to install it on in the partition step of mandriva install.


Wire muncher!
The Unknown said:
Windows reserves 20% of the band as QoS.
thats a myth and applying the tweaks to remove the 20% never works. i am on a 256kpbs connection and i get the same speed (~30kBps) in both windows xp sp2 (with and without applying any tweaks) and ubuntu linux. i get the same in ubuntu studio, dreamlinux installed in vmware.

so it mebbe that either the torrent software or the firewall on windows has not been configured properly.


Wire muncher!
yeah pal, i was talking abt that only. i meant that i've never seen anybody getting a speed gain in windows after disabling qos and that whereever it is i've seen that the speeds in both win and lin are equal. :)


Wise Old Owl
WELCOME TO THE WORLD WHERE ALL TUXFANS LIVE! @ first u'll feel "Ajeeb" to use linux. Just go thru the help files and still if u don't find ur soln. then post it here. The gurus (not me i m between newbie and less advanced) will hlp u out.
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