hellknight said:
Well, i'll vote for SUSE 10.2, it automatically mounts the windoes partitions, it has one of the best configuration tool Yast, it can play mp3's and much more. It also comes loaded with Java environment, flash plugin & Adobe Acrobat reader.
opensuse 10.2 auto mounts windows partitions? Are they ntfs of fat? As far as I know, on my laptop, it doesn't even detect ntfs partition. FAT mounts great and works great as well.
By the way, I have not tried FC6, but opensuse 10.2 is really very very good. I have been using it for some 20 days now. It crashed a couple of times, but then, it is less as compared to windows. So I am loving it, SUSE. I would suggest that you go for it. And it has got gui for most of the things. (to do most of the things).
The only problem that I found was that, amarok cannot play mp3 by default, but you can get some libraries and xine or xmms (i cannot remember) engine. And then amarok plays mp3,wma.
And to play DVDs and mpeg,avi and all, just get VLC player. And you have gui for all that, and it's very easy. So I think it really is very good. And net connection, using broadband is a piece of cake.
Go for it.