Fedora core4 red hat

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In the zone
Is there any step by step tutorial about how to install Fedora core4 as a server and how to connect ferdora core4 with win2000 server.Also if I want to install a server as Fedora core4 how can I connect win2000 prof. PCs with it?Plz suggest some tutorials.


Commander in Chief
Plz move this to the open source for better results...

p.s.I have some prob installin fc4, see it in the FC3 troubleshootin of open source sticky and suggest a soln plz


Just install Fc4 and goto service section and enable the servers u want like http,telnet,ftp etc!


Well the dude asked for installing "FC4 AS A SERVER" not how to install FC4!
Ne ways to connect the two u need to refer to DIGIT may2005 edition to get a huge detail of it!


Better still go to


Get the link to fedora weekly, search for server installation and you might get the step by step tutorial there.


Wise Old Owl
Or pm me your email adrs I will send you a pdf doc of the installation procedure.Its only 90kb


Broken In
During the installation of FC4, you will get a menu to select the type of installation you want to do. Your options are..
1. Personal Desktop
2. Workstation
3. Server
4. Custom

Select option 3 to install FC as a server. Simple!
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