F.I.R. Against Honey Singh For "vulgar songs"

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Whompy Whomperson
Re: F.I.R. Against Honey Singh For "vulgar songs"

thats saying that if a kid hears heavy metal and death metal he will become a satanist/psychopath/murderer etc

One of the convicts in recent rape case was a minor. And do you think someone explained to him about rape and said "Chal yaar aaj rape karte hain.." just on the day of rape? It happens over a long period.


Staff member
Re: F.I.R. Against Honey Singh For "vulgar songs"

thats saying that if a kid hears heavy metal and death metal he will become a satanist/psychopath/murderer etc

I am yet to find a heavy metal listener who is not pragmatic.

And what's bad about being a satanist ?


Steam High Templar
Re: F.I.R. Against Honey Singh For "vulgar songs"

And what's bad about being a satanist ?
have you ever seen non-violent ones?

satanist are connected to murder-child sacrifice- and whatnot


Staff member
Re: F.I.R. Against Honey Singh For "vulgar songs"

have you ever seen non-violent ones?

satanist are connected to murder-child sacrifice- and whatnot

You are going by the traditional definitions tailored for the believers.

I met a satanist who was more than a humble soul. She wasn't imposing her satanist principles on me. She wasn't hypocritical in nature. And no, she was not advocating murder/ child sacrifice.

You need to open up from a parochial view of Satan and God. Remember the witch burnings ? Heathen's killing ? Ordinary God followers have done worse job at wiping out cultures and civilizations before.
Listen to 'Balaatkari' by Honey Singh.

It glorifies rape. I've seen kids as young as 11-12 years listening to his songs.

Now you see what's wrong?

That song is NOT by Honey Singh if you think its the same song as the one I'm talking about (has guitar and vocals alone...). Ch**t Vol 1 is the most famous song by Honey Singh (also has some random bloke called Badshah doing co-vocals in it). Balaatkari is by some other band whose name I forget (not zeest though).

Just along the way, few more urban myths about these kind of songs: G@nd Mein Danda is by Bodhi Tree and not by Zeest as many people say (Zeest has just Sutta Na Mila under its credit though every single song is credited to them). Nor is Zeest an IITian band its a Pakistani band consisting mainly of one guitarist and one vocalist. Clarifications due since I was introduced to ALL these songs a few years back and did some background check before I lost interest (for obvious reasons).

These songs are outrageous no doubt. And amusing to some. But only a mentally deranged person would actually get influenced by them the way media portrays it. The problem: even if only 0.01% of Indians are this stupid, it is equal to 1.2 million dangerous criminals which is significant enough to warrant concern.


have you ever seen non-violent ones?
satanist are connected to murder-child sacrifice- and whatnot
i believe you are confusing satanists with practitioners of black magic.
please read up on the church of satan.

infact, i wish to be a member, but i dont think they ahve a church in india.
I am yet to find a heavy metal listener who is not pragmatic.
my friend listens to black/death metal, yet is devout hindu and a perfectly nice guy.

India has yet not been reached(i hope India never reach) the social structure to produce the likes of eminem.
yeah, agreed, also, most ppl dont know all the BS this guy had to go through in his life. and this is just one guy, out of the thousands born each day in the ghetto, in the middle of all sorts of sick fkery.

idk about other stuff but these two have one thing in common,they both use generous portions of gaalis
ohhh. and what about eminem,lil'wayne and the likes they don't use any expletives do they?
*for everyone's kind info i like eminem and lil'wayne's songs but i like YO honey singh too*
and one more thing,whatever Americans do is thought as cool(see ANY normal hollywood film and you will not find any instance where they don't use expletives),and as if you have generous gaalis in hindi films/music
both use gaalis in totally different ways.
i dont think you have ever "listened" to eminem's "rap".
he talks about social issues sometimes.

your stupid honey singh is just an average, foul-mouthed punjabi with the cash and clout to perform live over loudspeakers.

also, ALL indian rappers are hopeless wannabe pretenders. i dont respect/acknowledge them one bit.
they are just not worth listening to.

and as for the gaalis in films, thats just the immature nooblets who have written/directed it.

i dare you to find any current movie that matches the elegance and success of the classics.
the problem is, people are making trash art (by art i mean music, painting, videos, etc, ie, creative work) that is the response to the CONSUMERS, who want it.

example : hindi films with gaalis.
target audience : the towns and vllages of hinterland india. they hear the gaalis, get excited, and talk about "what a great actor, amazing movie" etc, this gaali has made the movie memorable for them, increasing chances that they will go to another movie of the actor/director/etc.

now, if instead of that, if there was an emotional scene, i doubt many people would remember it.

how many people remember the "ye haath mujko dede thakur" (give me your arms, thakur) scene? almost everyone.
now, how many people remember the scene where the old muslim guy greaves for his relative (itna sunnatta kyu hai, bhai?) (friend, why is there so much silence?)

personally, i found the 2nd scene had much more impact.

others may disagree, i dont mind, im just talking about how our personalities affect and mold our responses to the creative arts

thats all.
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Well, I see it this way.

There is a huge generation gap in India. The people of the older generation cannot comprehend why such music, movies, etc are trending and anything new that comes out these days is hostile to values they grew up on. The younger generation, on the other hand, laps up whatever is thrown at them or whatever's trending. So, if the youth do something out of the way, the older generation are quick to point out that its the media that's causing the youth to do such things mainly because of the younger generation's obsession with it.

As my friend Justice Katju conveniently points out, 90% of the Indians are idiots (it can also mean 90% humans) and hence, can be easily influenced by anything. If any one of you have watched Metal : A Headbanger's Journey will know how some people got incited by Black Metal music and burned down churches in Norway. Similarly, I am sure that a song like "Balatkari" could be an anthem for rapists and kids who hear this song are sure to be influenced by it. It requires a huge amount of maturity to dismiss it as a mere song, something that the youth definitely lacks.
If honey singh sang those songs in public then he should be arrested. Otherwise theres no need to make an issue. It's upto the people to listen to his songs.


Cyborg Agent
Similarly, I am sure that a song like "Balatkari" could be an anthem for rapists and kids who hear this song are sure to be influenced by it. It requires a huge amount of maturity to dismiss it as a mere song, something that the youth definitely lacks.

So true. Very few people have the maturity to differentiate.


Steam High Templar
That song is NOT by Honey Singh if you think its the same song as the one I'm talking about (has guitar and vocals alone...). Ch**t Vol 1 is the most famous song by Honey Singh (also has some random bloke called Badshah doing co-vocals in it). Balaatkari is by some other band whose name I forget (not zeest though).

Just along the way, few more urban myths about these kind of songs: G@nd Mein Danda is by Bodhi Tree and not by Zeest as many people say (Zeest has just Sutta Na Mila under its credit though every single song is credited to them). Nor is Zeest an IITian band its a Pakistani band consisting mainly of one guitarist and one vocalist. Clarifications due since I was introduced to ALL these songs a few years back and did some background check before I lost interest (for obvious reasons).

These songs are outrageous no doubt. And amusing to some. But only a mentally deranged person would actually get influenced by them the way media portrays it. The problem: even if only 0.01% of Indians are this stupid, it is equal to 1.2 million dangerous criminals which is significant enough to warrant concern.
what the fffff.i was thinking the song in bold was also sung by honey singh


lol, how old are you?

gmd is far older than honey singh.

also, true fact : my password is honeysinghisa*****


Wise Old Owl
dont ya guys think the CM of delhi is too old to do sheila ki jawaani ??

Video of Sheila Dikshit dancing at Honey concert goes viral - The Times of India


Re: F.I.R. Against Honey Singh For "vulgar songs"


i dun gon hakk

congrats, but what you have done is not hacking. Its changing the password with a few missing characters anyone can guess and then trolling. :D leave the hacking to the pros. :p

i beg your pardon, my password is honeysinghisab i t c h

^ for hackers only.
if you manage to find out what it says, you win something.

PM me with your answer, and the first 10 ppl with the RIGHT answer will win something nice from me.


Wise Old Owl
Re: F.I.R. Against Honey Singh For "vulgar songs"


i dun gon hakk

i beg your pardon, my password is honeysinghisab i t c h

^ for hackers only.
If you manage to find out what it says, you win something.

Pm me with your answer, and the first 10 ppl with the right answer will win something nice from me.

rofl doomie what have i typed here? *****



  • lol.jpg
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erm, you fail :)

in reply #56, select the whole sentence to reveal answer.

too bad, you fail to win one free internet


@NoahArcAngel : way to spoil the supplies, man :(
you should have just let them find out on their own
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Wise Old Owl
Re: F.I.R. Against Honey Singh For "vulgar songs"

erm, no.... stupid joke but a lot of fun. :p

erm, you fail :)

in reply #56, select the whole sentence to reveal answer.

too bad, you fail to win one free internet


@NoahArcAngel : way to spoil the supplies, man :(
you should have just let them find out on their own

ah edited.

arre baba why are you giving them a hint.. ? lol.... sadness. remove the hint bro :D

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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