Dumb Rich People...

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This is my personal experience I want to share with ya'll...
Last month I went to Nehru Place. There's a book shop there right in front of the place in Meghdoot building. I bought a USB based vaccum cleaner from there for 50 bucks, though the shite doesn't works effectively, anyway me and couple of my friends were scoping some books on Network security and Game Programming . A mid aged man all swanky and shite comes in with 2 little bloated faggots, imagine 2 pinkish white pigs you seen in cartoons, aged around 10-12. One can easily distinguish such piece of work easily in a general crowd by the way they look,talk, its just so uppity assed. Anyway they come to the shop and guess what they ask for? :rolleyes:
One of them speaks up and asks for "Object Dock". Yes u read it right,"Object Dock".
Man I was laughing my ass off there in a corner of the shop so hard that I sat down on the floor laughing. My lil' n00b friends thought that I just inhaled a whiff of NO2.
After 2 minutes I stood up and told my friends the reason and they too were extended their larynx to the max.:D
Moral here is that both poor and too rich people are just Dumb in some cases. One can easily take them for a ride if they want to. Its upto guys like us belonging to middle class or upper middle class families striving hard for making our mark and reach a spot(Well hypocritically enough that spot is being filthy rich):D. But we should make our duty to spread the word and hope none of our friend or sibling or even in future kiddies regurgitate such shite.:cool:
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left this forum longback
Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

well,those...what u call? "chicks" -most of them are the dumb`est I've seen :D !
well,One lady told me online that her laptop doesnot have mic and speaker while we are voice chatting!think my surprise :lol:


Techtree Reviewer
Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

well,One lady told me online that her laptop doesnot have mic and speaker while we are voice chatting!think my surprise :lol:

Did you punch her on the face for saying that. I wouldn't blame you if you did.


NP : Crysis
Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

i agree that those guys were real dumb, wannabe geeks asking for object dock in a book store, but seriously what does their being rich have to do with that...i mean if wealth was inversely proportional to computer knowledge, think about Bill Gates


Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

Well being rich means one usually takes things for granted. They always try to buyout things(Bil Gates trying to buy Yahoo;)). They were so lazy that they couldn't even type
10 characters in their Google search and hit search, instead thought of Buying it.:D


Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

While I recognize the type of people you are talking about and agree that they can be quite irritating, I wouldn't be so quick to judge people because of their so called computer skills- quite a few extremely intelligent people I know, are hopeless with computers- Its a personal preference of what skill to develop.


Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

There is no skill involved in shooting off mouth for completely insane reasons. Would you consider knowing the difference between and Object Dock and Media Player as a "Computer Skill"? :rolleyes:


Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

well may be "skill" is not the right word. Basic computer software related awareness, if you will :)

@MetalheadGautham, Let me lay it down for you.
1) The title of the post contains offensive words supposedly. (which is offensive word referring to homosexuals).
2) Arsenal_Gunners points it out.
3) You say he is Shivsena fanboy :)
4) He says, Shivsena doesn't support Gays = homosexuals = fag*ots.
Got it?

uff, how jobless I am! :D


Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

What I'm trying to say is that, an awareness of computers is not necessary to be smart- In this case, this guy was an ass- he probably saw the name objectdock somewhere and being the spoiled rich kid that he was, wanted it.
Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

well may be "skill" is not the right word. Basic computer software related awareness, if you will :)

@MetalheadGautham, Let me lay it down for you.
1) The title of the post contains offensive words supposedly. (which is offensive word referring to homosexuals).
2) Arsenal_Gunners points it out.
3) You say he is Shivsena fanboy :)
4) He says, Shivsena doesn't support Gays = homosexuals = fag*ots.
Got it?

uff, how jobless I am! :D
I thought he found the title offensive.
So I called him a shivsena fanboy.
Well, even shivsena finds homosexuals offensive.
So I was justified.
But arsenal is once again saying shivsena does not support homosexuals.
I asked the reason for that.


Broken In
Re: Dumb Rich Faggots...

well,those...what u call? "chicks" -most of them are the dumb`est I've seen :D !
well,One lady told me online that her laptop doesnot have mic and speaker while we are voice chatting!think my surprise :lol:

Ever heard of something called headphones, they also come with a mic.

Never assume anything!!!

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