Dudes from bangalore



High without substance...
Yes 2nd week of june is a nice time.
As for what we gonna do after meeting is i think too early to talk about.
When we meet and if the crowd is good then we can discuss what to do.
We are not women, :D we will come up with some thing nice and fast.

Just make sure all are present.


HAF 922 Owner
Yes you are old man and me grandpa.....believe me this is too much...just to decide on place, date and time....


MMO Addict
abhi_10_20 said:
ohhhhh..was damn busy these days....got selected to a company thru campus placements.....very excited......
at last we got a great excuse to meet... PARTY!!!! *www.clanforen.de/clanforen/images/smilies/smilies031205/ketten_015.gif So where shall we meet abhi? Pizza hut, pizza corner....:wink:


The Thread Killer >:)
@Abhi, congrats for getting placed, so this definitely means party time. You better come loaded. One sad news guys, sorry to say that I won't be able to make it in June as my exams will be starting from July and the labs will be any time in June :( :( I never really didn't expect this, but it has happened. Boohoo.....


Cool and Calm
@phreak.... exams for me in July too..... but only lab exams in June no.....i bet u can manage to set free atleast a single day.....i think we can manage with lab externals and all.....wat do you say????


High without substance...
Time table is out. i finish on 7th, so i am free from 7th after 18:00 hrs. :D
i think all of you writing exams would have got there timetable by now.
Post when your exams are over, for others try to free yours self at that time.


Ambassador of Buzz
chicha said:
Time table is out. i finish on 7th, so i am free from 7th after 18:00 hrs. :D
i think all of you writing exams would have got there timetable by now.
Post when your exams are over, for others try to free yours self at that time.
My exams will get over on June 6. Waiting eagerly for that day. That'll be the end of my college days:p


Wire muncher!
^^^ same here! :)

actually a few more digiters (swatkat, digen.. old timers) are in bangalore too.. working. i'll speak to them.. it'd be good if they can join.


Cool and Calm
many of you here are in your last semesters......how were all of your send off parties???.....it was such a crap in our colg....everything arranged by the teaching and other faculty....
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