Dragon Age III : Inquisition


Long Live Gojira!
Better to have a bug free game late than to have with a nest early.

They should've STFU until they know the game's ready, like you know, how CDPR does. Or give like Q3, Q4 instead of specific date. Giving false release dates to get people up on the hype-train and delaying is horsesh*t.

They did that with Arkham Knight and I was pissed so bad, but they moved up the release of Middle-earth, so my being pissed died down. :>
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Living to Play
They should've STFU until they know the game's ready, like you know, how CDPR does. Or give like Q3, Q4 instead of specific date. Giving false release dates to get people up on the hype-train and delaying is horsesh*t.

They did that with Arkham Knight and I was pissed so bad, but they moved up the release of Middle-earth, so my being pissed died down. :>

Couldn't agree more. :)


Wise Old Owl
They should've STFU until they know the game's ready, like you know, how CDPR does. Or give like Q3, Q4 instead of specific date. Giving false release dates to get people up on the hype-train and delaying is horsesh*t.

They did that with Arkham Knight and I was pissed so bad, but they moved up the release of Middle-earth, so my being pissed died down. :>

Dude, first of all, we should all get a perspective on this. For a start, when a publisher announces a release date of a product, its based on the closure of the underlying project. We can only assume that through the big complicated life-cycle process of the whole project, the product has passed the integration, Quality gates, fulfilled the SQA and requirement metrics. We are the end users , based on our expectation the performance of the product will be conceived and designed.

Now this decision of business system is agreed upon the fact that the specifications of the required product is analyzed and validated against a certain set of inputs from user or say customers who expect the product, simply to be what they like it to be.

When a game is made, you can imagine the variables and sets of probable expectation but you certainly can not predict the absolute requirement, because its a game, you can not explicitly have a standardized, pre-defined collection of conventionally structured documented source of expectation from where the inputs are coming.

All the iterations of SLM, like initiation, resource planning, design/coding, risk assessment, mitigation, are subjects of a theory based on past releases, its acceptance and a sophisticated trend of growing technology and future aspects of gaming. Simply put, we have never went to EA and told them, '' well now, make this game exactly like THIS"..and handed a contractual business approval..

So what we get is a provisional time windows when a game will be released, because the whole thing is characterized by constant change, progress and feedback, hence the alpha beta too, but before that, its also a significantly big process that constantly simulated by change.

No publisher would like to procrastinate a release date, it would mean a huge setback for the project, restructuring, burning down charts to ashes and starting anew. Heavy toll on developers, enormous pressure on High level designers, its a tortuously complex thing. Also they get all these bashing from us even when we don't know what we want and we get to blame guys who try give something to us which we may like or may not.


Long Live Gojira!
So what we get is a provisional time windows when a game will be released, because the whole thing is characterized by constant change, progress and feedback, hence the alpha beta too, but before that, its also a significantly big process that constantly simulated by change.

There, we should've got that, say Q4 '14. Instead what we got was October 8. But still, the delay's only like a month so not a big deal unlike ANOTHER game delay, Evolve. Pfft.


Wth they didn't included swimming for an open world game. Not good for a modern game.
Probably they don't have idea of how fantastic a water dragon battle can be.
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