Dragon Age III : Inquisition


Skyrim>>> F3~DA:O

Thats a novice judgement buddy, on what ground are u judging ?
Gameplay ? They offer vastly different kind of gameplay, Skyrim is an open world RPG whereas Dragon age is a tactical turn based RPG.. Its not right to compare them together on this basis..
Graphics ? Come on, Skyrim came out on 2011, Dragon age on 2009, what did you expect ? although I admit, DA:O graphics was quite crap for it's time as well..
Story ? Dragon age obliterates most other RPGs in this department..AFAIK, only Witcher series and some other games come very very close.. Skyrim's story was quite dissapointing to me, Id say Morrowind has a much better story than all ES IV and V

And buddy, my name is Nerevarine.. Im a huge elder scrolls fan starting from ES III : Morrowind .. so im not biased towards Dragon age by any means, just stating the facts
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^^You missed "in terms of map" ?
Your name is Nerevarine... so? If I change my name to Chuck Norris does that mean I will become a huge fan of his? :|


in terms of map ? wat ?
I already said Dragon age isnt meant to be an open world game, tell me.. how many linear type games have you seen with extremely huge maps ? (Crysis 1 excluded)..

Check this, a witcher 3 dev compared W3 with skyrim
I don't think this was an issue in our previous games, so I don't see why it should be an issue in Wild Hunt. We've made sure the game feels balanced at all times. We love Skyrim and we’re huge fans, but this is a different game. Skyrim was an out-and-out open-world game, while ours is a story-driven game that unfolds in an open-world scenario. The priorities of both games are very different.
FYI, Witcher resembles more of Dragon age than Skyrim..


Umm I just said that the area available to scout is more in skyrim as compared to DAO. I never said anything more. I know that DA:O is different in this aspect bcoz it follows a linear storyline (even though there may be different character related outcomes based on our decisions ). So thats that.

And when did I mentioned anything regarding Witcher series here?

I have played DA:O 3 times and Skyrim (1.4k hours). Played Witcher 1 only, not the 2nd one yet. Even played F3 with all DLCs and FNV with all DLCs having around 1.5K hrs combined.

And I have no idea why are you thinking that I'm linking things here wrongly.


Hehe... when it come to DA series, I really dont care about the map... I just want it to be good, at least at the level DA:O was. Not like DA2. That was a failure imo.
I just want it to have a rock solid plot with kickass charaters like that guy (forgot the name... Alsastar or something.... he was a warrior class character who used to flirt a bit :D )


Living to Play
How big are Dragon age series World as compare to fallout 3 and Skyrim ? Last year i planned to start dragon age series after completing Skyrim , 13 months have been passed and i haven't completed its Main story yet .

Allow me to shed some light on this subject. I have played and completed DAO 6-9 times, don't exactly remember how many exactly.

DAO is a Story Driven maps with some limited interaction with the world and the map, however Skyrim is a Open world RPG. In Skyrim, you can go to a village and wipe it out clean, DAO won't let you do that, it have limitations and specific choices which changes the course of the game as you progress. Also you can't really compare the maps of these games, as for game time, Skyrim can last you 1000+ hrs for a single playthrough, DAO will last more or less 150 hrs to complete it with each and every side quest and all.


Wise Old Owl
Allow me to shed some light on this subject. I have played and completed DAO 6-9 times, don't exactly remember how many exactly.

DAO is a Story Driven maps with some limited interaction with the world and the map, however Skyrim is a Open world RPG. In Skyrim, you can go to a village and wipe it out clean, DAO won't let you do that, it have limitations and specific choices which changes the course of the game as you progress. Also you can't really compare the maps of these games, as for game time, Skyrim can last you 1000+ hrs for a single playthrough, DAO will last more or less 150 hrs to complete it with each and every side quest and all.

thanks . So it has linear gameplay like Witcher series ? Well as long as story is interesting , I will enjoy it . Will buy it during Summer sale .


Cyborg Agent
Witcher, skyrim and dragon age are totally different. Why are we even comparing??
And hope DA3 will be more solid in story department like origins and have combat visuals like that of DA2. Waiting

Completed origins 2 times and DA 2 once. Lost the DA2 saves. Will start again to import :p


Living to Play
thanks . So it has linear gameplay like Witcher series ? Well as long as story is interesting , I will enjoy it . Will buy it during Summer sale .

Gameplay is totally different from Wither series. In Witcher you are a lone wolf and in DAO you have 3 party members which you have to control as well, you can pause in combat any time to review the environment and your tactics and can act accordingly, its completely different experience from Witcher, you can't really compare their gameplay, storywise also I find DAO better than Witcher 1.


Cyborg Agent
From the ashes and bones I command you to rise.

All right necromancing apart, is no one interested in this game anymore?? After the latest trailer what are your views?
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