Dragon Age II



Human Spambot
Well, you are talking about a different experience. I'm talking about controlling a party, micro management, etc. Which are the basic building blocks of Dragon Age gameplay. They have to reinvent the wheel to introduce a MP. And Multiplayer was never the part of the equation in most of the Bioware games.


yeah i guess
i havent played DAO so cant even comment too much
btw competed DA2 demo and liked it (yeah i killed that ogre)
wished the environment had more variation like in DAO

PS:that red dragon was actually a girl!?!?!?


Living to Play
vamsi_krishna said:
The real essence of the game is controlling the whole party at once by yourself.
Yes thats why I love DA.
Piyush said:
each player having its own specialty
Multiplayer would be good in other RPGs but in this the real pleasure is about controlling the whole part and making strategy accordingly to your abilities that you acquired for yourself and your party members


Human Spambot
yeah i guess
i havent played DAO so cant even comment too much
btw competed DA2 demo and liked it (yeah i killed that ogre)
wished the environment had more variation like in DAO

PS:that red dragon was actually a girl!?!?!?

LoL girl. Nope, she is a witch. Old witch. Not even hot. She plays a keyrole in Dragon Age Origins. Her name is Flemith and she is knows as witch of the wilds and is the mother of Morrigain, one of the party members in Dragon Age Origins.

Hinting anything more than this, will ruin your Dragon Age Origins experience.


yup dont do that
will come to it when i'll play it

this game even have DLCs

*chot pe namak*


Living to Play
vamsi_krishna said:
is the mother of Morrigain
Morrigon was hot. From beginning until end.

Piyush said:
this game even have DLCs
Yeah and a lot of them. About 20 or so but for gameplay addition. There are about 4 or 5. I guess. I played all of them but can't remember the no. because played that game a long time ago.


Human Spambot
Morrigain was a goddess. I use to hit on her like anything. Use to give most of the gifts I found.. but she can be harsh at times. But, Leliana is soft. poor girl won't scold even if we had an affair with other party member.


Living to Play
vamsi_krishna said:
Morrigain was a goddess. I use to hit on her like anything. Use to give most of the gifts I found.. but she can be harsh at times. But, Leliana is soft. poor girl won't scold even if we had an affair with other party member.
Man she kicked my ass when she got to know that I had relationship with Leliana too. LOL
But leliana didn't do anything finally I had both of them until end. Kept both of them as my dates by convincing and giving a lot of gifts. haha... :p :D


Human Spambot
Actually.. she Leliana confronted me. But I got away with an apology. But things will be a lot different with Morrigain.


Gaaaah! I miss my gaming days. First game when I get back home will be Dragon Age II. :/


Living to Play
vamsi_krishna said:
But I got away with an apology.
So you didn't mated with her. LOL. I did that with both of them.hehe.

Hey man any idea in DA 2 about morrigon and that child from morrigon's spiritual who at final battle with blight saved me from sacrificing myself or Alister to kill the Dragon.


Human Spambot
So you didn't mated with her. LOL. I did that with both of them.hehe.

Hey man any idea in DA 2 about morrigon and that child from morrigon's spiritual who at final battle with blight saved me from sacrificing myself or Alister to kill the Dragon.

Story is kind of mystery in DA2. According to the developer, it is a decade long story. And, as evident by the Demo, we will play even in a world which is parallel to Original game. So, we will be hearing origins story with different perspective. And, as they said it is a decade long story, origins story with another perspective might just be a part of it.

And, as we already witnessed, Flemith who was previously stuck in her old hut, is now roaming as a dragon. So, I say.. there are endless possibilities.


Living to Play
^^ Damn I was hoping some explanations on that child and Morrigon because they were one of the main characters pf the game well may be not the child but Morrigon was a main character who just disappeared in the last game. I thought there would be something about them in DA2 but it didn't delivered that.


Can I max out this game on my system? Haven't played DAO yet so I have no idea how this game is and how well will it run on my system. Downloading the demo now!


Human Spambot
Maxing out will be a bit of problem. You can run it on high settings with 4x aa. But, Very high, 8x AA seems a bit heavy for GTS 450.

BTW, try the demo.


Playing the demo now. Difficult to maintain a steady 30 fps at High gfx details @1600*900 even with antialiasing turned off along with vsync and ambient occlusion :(


Living to Play
@ Lord073
You can't completely max out the settings of this game and play.
If you didn't have played DAO you must play it because according to me DA2's gameplay is derived from this game and so you must play the parent first.


Ok, I turned down the settings. Now playing at Medium gfx details @1600*900 with 8x AA, 16x AF, vsync turned on. Getting 50 fps average :). What an incredible game this one is! Very addictive. Playing for the first time so a bit difficult for me.
Will definetely get DAO as soon as possible.
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