Rapier is so underrated in losing matches. I was playing medusa and as usual was lagging very badly. The enemy dominated us hard early to mid-game. I managed to farm up a rapier in 25 minutes and lost it soon (I was lagging, honest!). Later our AM managed to snag it back again and from there he started dominating the game. And then it was rapier gaming (we lost it a few times again).
Match 1114118220 - Overview - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
I couldn't farm very much without any dmg item and constant lag, so I switched into a utility role. Many people farm with medusa for 30 minutes but they really don't understand how OP medusa's ult is. If you manage to land it correctly, you've already won the teamfight. It's really hard to break high ground against a medusa with ultimate (or if she's really fat which is another thing).
I remember the same thing happening in an even game when Bone fletcher was playing juggernaut and I was medusa.