Broken In
I hope so. But I don't think that would go well with the Gen Y gamers these days.
Either way would really play it
I hope so. But I don't think that would go well with the Gen Y gamers these days.
Wow! Such cyber! much demon! so amaze!
Is it titled Doom 4 or just Doom?
Al full Doom 4 reveal can be expected tomorrow during QuakeCon.
"Doom is not about about taking cover"
Classic Doom weapons, including the fan-favorite double-barrell shotgun return. Plasma rifle, rocket launcher, and the good old chainsaw were also shown off.
Hellknights, cyberdemons, revenants, mancubii, and other classic monsters were spotted throughout the demo.
Old school mechanics?
That means it will be similar to Serious Sam.
Can't wait to see some gameplay footage.
Bethesda and id Software unveiled their newest version of Doom at this year's QuakeCon. Only the attendees were able to see the actual gameplay footage of the re-envisioned rendition of the classic first-person shooter. Turns out, the QuakeCon goers will be the only outsiders to see Doom for a very, very, very long time to come.
I just hope that its as good as expected. Big series are falling on their faces these days.
Looks not so good.