Do UFOs/Aliens exist, is Time Travel possible and more...

Darth Vader

In the zone
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” ― Arthur C


Indian Railways - The Vibrant and Moving INDIA
Hope everybody has read the DRAKE'S EQUATION:--->



N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible (i.e. which are on our current past light cone);


R* = the average number of star formation per year in our galaxy
fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point
fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations)
fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space[8] [/QUOTE]

Drake equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Sith Lord
Staff member
fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
Drake equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

this factor changes the equation from the number of intelligent extraterrestrial species in the universe to the number of such species detectable through radio waves
such signals are a sign of early technology, not very economical and it is more of a leak than a signal. we used such signals for a very short span of time (less than 100 years or so)... so it is more like a pulse that passes once rather than a steady indicator

more optimistic that kepler will show up something (perhaps an earthlike in the habitable zone with too much co2?) than SETI


Sith Lord
Staff member
this is a study of dna complexity
plotted how much dna has evolved on a chart, it follows moore's law
but perplexingly, the line points to an origin of life before earth



Cyborg Agent
And all genius out there. Its not necessary to have same environment oxygen water to form life on other planet. There may be more elements to support life. Which are unknown to us.


Cyborg Agent
And I think if aliens are there. They may not be interested in human and that's why they don't show up


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Aliens existed from 10,000 years:
Aliens do exist. They are here from thousands of years since the Sumerian Civilization and continues through until the last Aztec Civilization across the globe.There is an assumption that they come from the Orion Belt which is a part of the Orion Constellation. This Orion Belt has 4 stars out of which 3 stars lay in the formation of 123 horizontally if you look in the night sky. Some of the great wonders of the Old World are built according to this 3 star formation as seen from earth.So it justifies that aliens were here who have guided us to build such wonders.How come ancient civilizations have built such enormous wonders across the globe ranging from South America to Egypt in exactly the same 123 formation horizontally is nobody could answer.It is up to the future generations to unlock this great mystery or if aliens arrive in the next 20 years or so...

The Orion Belt from Orion Constellation:



Pyramid Complex from Mayan Civilization:


Pyramid Complex from Egyptian Civilization:


How 2 civilizations from different parts of the world built their pyramids in exactly the same formation which are 5000 years apart from each other and 5000 miles apart from each other ? Can anybody answer this ?


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^because they couldn't built it in circles.seriously though why is it that every time something significant is achieved by humans many start giving credit to god/aliens/ it so hard to believe that humans can design these structures on their own?spider,a mere insect,build webs made of threads stronger than steel wire of same thickness & in such intricate patterns that can put many designers to shame but no one call it a for time & distance again same thing as spiders.spiders have been building webs living across continents & doing so for more than 100 million years.just ask yourself a simple question:after watching a mountain or hill which is the first shape that comes in a person's mind living in those times when thinking about a high structure.many mountains & hills top closely resemble a pyramid shape & most likely gave the idea to people in those for star constellations again night sky has so many stars that you can find hundreds of similar combination patterns & it is quite logical to think that people building such structures would be basing it on some form of divine basis & stars were considered as a perfect choice judging by the names given to them in all cultures mythology/history. my opinion any civilization that could only taught how to made pyramids made of stones would never be advanced enough to travel across space.


Steam High Templar
^^because they couldn't built it in circles.seriously though why is it that every time something significant is achieved by humans many start giving credit to god/aliens/ it so hard to believe that humans can design these structures on their own?spider,a mere insect,build webs made of threads stronger than steel wire of same thickness & in such intricate patterns that can put many designers to shame but no one call it a for time & distance again same thing as spiders.spiders have been building webs living across continents & doing so for more than 100 million years.just ask yourself a simple question:after watching a mountain or hill which is the first shape that comes in a person's mind living in those times when thinking about a high structure.many mountains & hills top closely resemble a pyramid shape & most likely gave the idea to people in those for star constellations again night sky has so many stars that you can find hundreds of similar combination patterns & it is quite logical to think that people building such structures would be basing it on some form of divine basis & stars were considered as a perfect choice judging by the names given to them in all cultures mythology/history. my opinion any civilization that could only taught how to made pyramids made of stones would never be advanced enough to travel across space.
No damn Xel'Naga were involved.


Sith Lord
Staff member
NZ govt lacks proof that their prime minister is not a shape shifting reptilian palaedian working towards enslaving humanity
* Photoco14021114340.pdf

wondering if we can formulate such RTI queries here and get some win


Can anybody answer this ?

do you know the amount of radiation in the orion nebula? life as we know it is not possible in those kind of areas.

also, have you thought about that the orion belt is a spectacular sight, and can be easily identified at night?
hell, i can make it out with my cheap telescope in noida, and i dont have that much training.

if there are aliens BEHIND the nebula, there is no way they could have seen the earth through all that radiation and dust clouds.
this can only mean two things :

1. aliens exist and they are closer than the orion nebula.
2. the ancient civilizations build their structures based on the position of the orion belt, NOT due to aliens

EDIT : the 3 stars are named al nitak, al nilam and mintaka, bottom left to top right (hell yeah, remembered correctly!)
You cant say life cant exist there in that kind of radiation as adaptation is always possible of if life wants to sustain it cant even in those adverse conditions ..... ever heard of bacteria surviving in extreme cold temperature ?

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Aliens existed from 10,000 years:
Aliens do exist. They are here from thousands of years since the Sumerian Civilization and continues through until the last Aztec Civilization across the globe.There is an assumption that they come from the Orion Belt which is a part of the Orion Constellation. This Orion Belt has 4 stars out of which 3 stars lay in the formation of 123 horizontally if you look in the night sky. Some of the great wonders of the Old World are built according to this 3 star formation as seen from earth.So it justifies that aliens were here who have guided us to build such wonders.How come ancient civilizations have built such enormous wonders across the globe ranging from South America to Egypt in exactly the same 123 formation horizontally is nobody could answer.It is up to the future generations to unlock this great mystery or if aliens arrive in the next 20 years or so...

The Orion Belt from Orion Constellation:



Pyramid Complex from Mayan Civilization:


Pyramid Complex from Egyptian Civilization:


How 2 civilizations from different parts of the world built their pyramids in exactly the same formation which are 5000 years apart from each other and 5000 miles apart from each other ? Can anybody answer this ?

Tukka namm ki bhi koi cheej hoti he ! it doesn't means that they had any relation with organism living in Orion !

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And anybody has any reason about the size of pyramid if they were to influence by the Orion so called Aliens then why did they made one pyramid smaller than other 2 ? the stars are of equal size !(AFAIK)


Superhuman Spambot
Aliens existed from 10,000 years:
Aliens do exist. They are here from thousands of years since the Sumerian Civilization and continues through until the last Aztec Civilization across the globe.There is an assumption that they come from the Orion Belt which is a part of the Orion Constellation. This Orion Belt has 4 stars out of which 3 stars lay in the formation of 123 horizontally if you look in the night sky. Some of the great wonders of the Old World are built according to this 3 star formation as seen from earth.So it justifies that aliens were here who have guided us to build such wonders.How come ancient civilizations have built such enormous wonders across the globe ranging from South America to Egypt in exactly the same 123 formation horizontally is nobody could answer.It is up to the future generations to unlock this great mystery or if aliens arrive in the next 20 years or so...

The Orion Belt from Orion Constellation:



Pyramid Complex from Mayan Civilization:


Pyramid Complex from Egyptian Civilization:


How 2 civilizations from different parts of the world built their pyramids in exactly the same formation which are 5000 years apart from each other and 5000 miles apart from each other ? Can anybody answer this ?

Seen from Ancient Aliens airing on History Channel?


You cant say life cant exist there in that kind of radiation as adaptation is always possible of if life wants to sustain it cant even in those adverse conditions ..... ever heard of bacteria surviving in extreme cold temperature ?

Tukka namm ki bhi koi cheej hoti he ! it doesn't means that they had any relation with organism living in Orion !

And anybody has any reason about the size of pyramid if they were to influence by the Orion so called Aliens then why did they made one pyramid smaller than other 2 ? the stars are of equal size !(AFAIK)

i SPECIFICALLY mentioned that life "AS WE KNOW IT" is not possible due to the radiation.
do you know what radiation does? it knocks out the atoms/molecules in the DNA and changes it shape. this leads to random mutations. if the child of an organism is born that is a TOTAL mutant, then the species wont survive at all. hence where there is radiation, LIFE AS WE KNOW IT will never be possible.

so, this "tukka", THREE civilizations had the SAME tukka over so many years??!?!!??!!? why not the big dipper? its similar in brightness to orion, and thanks to the pole star, very recognizible and important. why not make it in the big dipper shape?


The Dark Lord
Staff member
It's not a fluke, they were trying to emulate the Orion constellation or the Orion's Belt asterism. Doesn't mean aliens came from there as movies would have you believe either. It just means that even in ancient times without telescopes and sciences to understand what they were seeing, men sat and stared at the night sky in awe. Most of us haven't seen anything remotely close to what they saw, because they had pitch blackness and no huge cities with light and smog pollution. The sky is awesome in those settings, and patterns are easily visible, and Orion's Belt visible for most of the year across the earth, and thus "special" in some way. Is it that hard to imagine that people would worship the unexplained? If those 3 stars were always in the sky, there must be gods watching us from there, and that's how many civilisations all thought those stars to be special. No mystery, just simple flaws in human psychology, which continue today as well.
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