Diablo III Discussion


It means you can auction items in real Dollars $$$, what you find you can auction it.
A small part of it will go to blizzard, that will mean people with money can buy things out easily without playing much. The game may become bad due to that, its seriously terrible. Its quality will degrade, people will play game to earn money than to enjoy.
The whole purpose of the game gets a new turn


Oh...... means cheat(get strong weapon without playing) using money. This is bad...

:-xstop making crap changes and just release that ****


Living to Play
I read a news on gamespot that developers are putting hard work to release this game this year. Lets hope they do. :)


^^cool skills, specially witch doctor and Monk.
But i'll start first playthrough as barbarian.


They are closest to warriors ??

yeah same as DAO human warrior:-D high strength , high fatigue , dualist etc....

btw i saw a video on youtube related auction. :idea:We can auction our weapons , then are there a lot unique weapon sets????
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btw i saw a video on youtube related auction. :idea:We can auction our weapons , then are there a lot unique weapon sets????

Check this thread for the best possible explanation of the AH system and how it enforces Blizzard's stand on the reduction(and hopefully, the removal) of third party item stores.


Living to Play
Oh boy selling inventory for real money. For a single player RPG thats bad. Its good for MMORPG but in single player game I guess whats in game should remain in game. My opinion. :)


In the zone
I just loved Diablo 2 Lord of the destruction, Ive played with few times but you know never completed the series due to my exams. I think it was released in 04-05, I had the demo version. I used to play the demo version repeatedly :D

I always played with barbarian character, raw power :D
Now college days are over ;(
Cant play day long damn i miss playing it day to day. BTw some help, Ive Diable LOD but whats with ext pack, more story ?

This time I will complete it but have to play on the weekends :/


In the zone
Eh , this DRM **** is really annoying. Being online to play SINGLE-PLAYER is taking things too far. Now Blizzard has lost it's biggest consumers - Kola2842 and GamerAnand ;)

It's games like these that DESERVE to be pirated.


Living to Play
Agreed. I first pirated DAO but then I actually bought the Ultimate Edition just because game was great and it deserved my money and it didn't require me to be online all the time. Just one time activation and I am done. Activation can be done my any means I mean even with a phone but being online is sick.
[Kokatu] “Inferno” Difficulty Level Confirmed (Today at Gamescom)

It was already known that there would be afourth possible difficulty called "Inferno". It just got a good shot of confirmation.

Jay Wilson said:
Monsters will see an increase in health, damage, damage resistances and aggression in Inferno. They’ll also have access to a larger suite of powers in Inferno, making minions and boss monsters even tougher. Expect a tougher game across the board, with broader than ever challenges even for the most skilled demon hunters.

“The idea was that we wanted a difficulty mode where the entire game was viable,” Wilson says. “So you don’t have to pick and choose key areas [to replay].” Diablo III’s Inferno difficulty, he says, will be “very difficult, very challenging,” presenting a “flattened” difficulty experience that Blizzard hopes will provide a more balanced, but more challenging end game for Diablo diehards.

That “flattened” difficulty will mean, Blizzard hopes, that players revisit the entire world of Diablo III seeking bigger and bolder challenges, not just go on “Mephisto runs” or fight a specific breed of minion in search of experience points and sweet loot drops.


Stay tuned for more news as Gamescom 2011 rolls on....
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