Diablo III Discussion


Hmm harder than hell.....ok..more difficult=>more exp and better loot:-D

btw these images r attrating me but....:-x


Living to Play
Well I'll play it on normal as I haven't completed any previous Diablo games but I am really looking forward to play this one. :)


^^You have to play the entire Diablo series.Else you are no gamer.It's never late.Or at least you should play D2.


Living to Play
I already had a healthy discussion over this subject that why I haven't played previous Diablo games and Why I won't play them either. :))
Thanks for the suggestion anyway. :)


Well saw on youtube that minimum level of enemy will level 61 for Inferno Difficulty .In d2 top monster level was at 85 but player was able to raise its level at 99.
Players will have to max out their character by
reaching the level 60 player cap, only then can they tackle Inferno
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[Blizzard] New Diablo 3 Community Site Online

Blizzard has just opened up the D3 Beta Community Website for business! This community site and forum will be used for any/all future information regarding Diablo 3.


:toast:Prepare yourself coz this time according to many sources 30/11/2011 is the big date:clap2:
November 2011 to be the greatest month in video gaming history - GameSpot Forums - System Wars
Diablo III Video Game for PC / Windows


Found it on diii.net.
if there are cows in the game?

Play this gif:-D
Blizzard said:
Jay Wilson: ” You want to know
if there are cows in the game?
That’s a good question! That is,
what everyone wants to know
(laughing)! So, i can´t remember
right know if I saw cows in the
game. But we are modeling
cows for the game. There will be
a high chance that there will be
cows in the game and that you
will be able to kill them!”
This doesn’t mean said cows will
be bipedal and armed with
halberds, but we can always
hope… or do you hope not?
Have you seen your fill of secret
cows in Diablo games, and
you’re ready for something
We often end the Diablo
Podcast with funny cow sound
effects, before segueing into
other sound effects. Or top of
our head musings about what
sort of secret level we might
get in Diablo III. Rainbow
unicorns is a popular
suggestion, but there’s one
problem with that. What sort of
noise do they make? I envision
the moan of a harmonica
crossed with the giggling of
children, but much like Milton,
I’ve always been better able to
envision hell than heaven.
What is the sound of one
unicorn clopping? What do you
hear, when you shut your eyes
and scream into the silence?

This is all BS.

may be. Rumors........
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Diablo 3 beta screenshots leaked


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