Diablo III Discussion

Fifteenth Batch
Well folks, on 7th May, Blizzard released their fifteenth batch of goodies for hitting the 900k 'Like' mark.
Below are the pictures posted on Diablo's Facebook page.



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External Beta in Q3 2011

Most importantly, the Diablo III external beta testing is expected to begin in Q3 of this year; that is July 1st - September 30th



Follower System Unveiled

Jay Wilson said:
They’re our versions of the hireling feature from Diablo II. We specifically wanted to change them from the notion of a faceless, nameless person that you hire to a distinct character who has a strong personality, strong views of the world, a unique class and chooses to follow you not because you pay them, but because they look at you as a great hero that they want to be around and help. We chose very specific characters, so each follower has a name, a personality and a class.

For those who do not know, Jay Wilson is the game director of Diablo III.


Other interviews have also popped up a few hours ago.


The original post of this thread has been updated with the Follower Reveal Trailer.
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Living to Play
I hope that the followers in this game would be memorable like DAO because in most games NPC characters are not memorable. I would like to have a control over the AI followers because god knows what they will do and if I have a control over them then I can make my own playing style.
Sixteenth Batch
Well folks, on 18th May, Blizzard released their sixteenth batch of goodies for hitting the 925k 'Like' mark.
Below is the picture posted on Diablo's Facebook page.

Seventeenth Batch
Well folks, on 24th May, Blizzard released their seventeenth batch of goodies for hitting the 950k 'Like' mark.
Below are the pictures posted on Diablo's Facebook page.





[DFans] Runestones Hit Official Site

Blizzard said:
Extensive character customization is one of the primary design goals for Diablo III. Players will have many ways to customize and build each of the five character classes, including charms, traits, enhancements, gems, armor, weapons, dyes, skills, and the feature we're highlighting in this article: runestones.






[DFans] Talisman Gets Cut

Blizzard said:
Well, I can say from feedback and testing we've made the decision to pull the Talisman from the initial release of the game.

It was a cool idea at its core, but right now it's just really too basic and doesn't provide anything you can't get from the armor and weapons you're equipping. It requires a lot of the player to invest time and energy into finding and storing yet another type of item just to add player stats. When they do all that, it's just to do something pretty boring that they can already do with awesome things like armor and weapons. Originally the Talisman had a much deeper design, but it proved very ambitious and it got whittled down over the years to a very basic +stat per single square. We like simplicity in our designs, but charms became superfluous in their purpose.

We really like the core idea, but we don't want to stop everything and spend a large amount of time trying to fix the Talisman, although we do have some great ideas already. So, it'll very likely come back in some form or another after the game ships. And be awesome.



Living to Play
I liked the barbarian video.
Well glad that Talisman is out from the game. I didn't liked that idea of that anyways. :)


Living to Play
A new screenshot I got from gamespot. :)

Don't understand anything from this apart from the fact that its kind of skill and what the heck is deal with those round sphere like powers which for one is empty...Maybe Gaurav can help me.. :)
Eighteenth Batch
Well folks, on 27th May, Blizzard released their eighteenth batch of goodies for hitting the 975k 'Like' mark.
Below are the pictures posted on Diablo's Facebook page.




A new screenshot I got from gamespot. :)

Don't understand anything from this apart from the fact that its kind of skill and what the heck is deal with those round sphere like powers which for one is empty...Maybe Gaurav can help me.. :)

Those round spheres are Runestones.


Living to Play
Gaurav said:
It does a lot more than just increased damage.
Ah OK. Thanks for the info.
Gaurav said:
I take it that's not a bad thing.
Oh come on man. Its damn good thing for us actually as I don't have to go to any other site and read a lot of article to find something. I can always just ask you for the info.. :)):))
Nineteenth Batch
Well folks, on 31st May, Blizzard released their nineteenth batch of goodies for hitting the 1 million 'Like' mark.
Below are the pictures posted on Diablo's Facebook page.







Burning in the skies
@Gaurav- you are doing great, man. Bringing all these stuff to us. But why are you Spoiler tagging them, they are publicly available anyways, they aren't spoilers :D
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