Dell rolls out two 3G Android mobiles in IndiaNew Delhi, Nov 10: US basedcomputer manufacturer, Dell hasentered to Indian handset marketby launching two Android mobilescalled XCD35 and XCD28.These two mobiles are based onGoogle Android 2.1 operatingsystem. Both mobiles areaffordably priced for their high-end features. Dell XCD28 andXCD35 will be a close competitorfor other brands like Nokia andSamsung.Dell XCD35 has a 3.5-inchOLED, capacitive touchscreen anda 3 megapixel camera. TheAndroid 2.1 OS is powered with600Mhz processor. Other featuresinclude 3G, Bluetooth and WiFi.This phone has a 150MB ofinternal memory which can beextended up to 32GB usingmicroSD cards. It also providesFM radio and Music player thatsupports different formats. DellXCD35 is priced at Rs 16,990and will be available in themarket by Dec 2010.Another mobile launched by Dellis XCD28. It has a a 2.8-inchresistive touchscreen and 3.15MPcamera. The Android 2.1 OS ispowered with 600MHz processor,256MB of RAM and 256MB ofROM.The 3G ready XCD28 hasBluetooth and WiFi. This phoneis priced at Rs 10,990 and willbe available in the marketimmediately.