Crysis on "Very High" with 9600GT.. Too good to be true?

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Broken In
Hi dere!

Before i start off let me give my current config.

Processor:- Core 2 Duo E6320 (1.86 GHz @ 2.24 GHz)
2GB of RAM (533Mhz @ 640 MHz)
Mobo:- Asus P5N-E-SLI
Graphics Card:- EVGA 9600GT KO Edition (Factory Settings)
Corsair TX 650
15" CRT Monitor (1024x768 Max. Res.)
System has been O/C by 20% using the ASUS AI Tuning Utility in the BIOS.

I know that this is a pretty modest config and was expecting some of the more demanding games to run at around medium level. But the other day when i started to play games i was pretty shocked.

COD4, DMC4, Assassin's Creed were all running very smoothly at max. settings with full anti aliasing!!

And here's the kicker.. So was Crysis. Infact at Very High with full anti-aliasing.. It was giving me an average fps of 32.

Now what i fail to understand is how this is possible?? Is it because of my resolution or am i missing something else here??

My 3DMark 06 score was somewhere in the range of close to 8000.. ( The same with everything set to max.)

Just comment...
Well sometimes it happens. I am not a graphics card expert, but i have noticed that graphics cards support some graphics functions better then others in hardware. So if your medium settings use some function on the card which is not optimized then it may even run slower in medium/low settings then high settings. For example, on my old Nvidia GF 5200FX board, Need for Speed Under Underground use to run slowly at 800x600 with graphics settings set to medium. But at 1024x768 with all settings full excluding the car reflection update(set to medium), it use to give slightly better framerates.


Aspiring Novelist
At 1024x768 with 32 FPS..and all at high...interesting....

Crysis is optimized for nVidia cards...guess you have hit the "real" sweet spot. :)


In the zone
Really amazing. I had problems running crysis at very high at that resolution with 4850 It gave me 23-28 FPS..


Aspiring Novelist
With full anti-aliasing you say? That's practically impossible.Unless you want to show a screenshot proving the same.My card takes a massive hit with 4X AA being enabled.How can this card manage it with everything on high & full anti-aliasing? :confused:


In the zone
With full anti-aliasing you say? That's practically impossible.Unless you want to show a screenshot proving the same.My card takes a massive hit with 4X AA being enabled.How can this card manage it with everything on high & full anti-aliasing? :confused:
Ya thats what i am saying. The FPS i get is with 4x AA and 16X AF plus Adaptive AA enabled. No way its possible that 9600GT can do that.
With full anti-aliasing you say? That's practically impossible.Unless you want to show a screenshot proving the same.My card takes a massive hit with 4X AA being enabled.How can this card manage it with everything on high & full anti-aliasing? :confused:
maybe its because of the low resolution ? you play at 1440x900 right ?


Aspiring Novelist
maybe its because of the low resolution ? you play at 1440x900 right ?
I play at 1280x1024.The last person I had seen playing at 1024x768 resolution with full Anti-Aliasing was Sunny from this forum.I distinctly remember him posting photos showing that as well.But his graphic card was based on a 8800GTS in SLI configuration.That I could believe but this is with a single card & that too a 9600GT.All I need to see is what's the amount of AA he has applied.I'm asking that because adding AA to this game is like making Godzilla stomp over your graphic card.


Aspiring Novelist
Is that available as an in-game option or are you talking about the control panel setting? I have noticed Edge-Detect AA in my CCC.Is that what you meant?


Broken In
Okay.. I'm back with the screenshots!







I made a mess of the last few screen-shots.. Didn't paste properly in paint.. Anyways.. One more thing.. I have to confess.. I'm playing a cracked version. Does that make a difference somehow?

I play at 1280x1024.The last person I had seen playing at 1024x768 resolution with full Anti-Aliasing was Sunny from this forum.I distinctly remember him posting photos showing that as well.But his graphic card was based on a 8800GTS in SLI configuration.That I could believe but this is with a single card & that too a 9600GT.All I need to see is what's the amount of AA he has applied.I'm asking that because adding AA to this game is like making Godzilla stomp over your graphic card.
I absolutely agree with Allwy, AA on this game is like giving the worst thunderstrome to your current gen GPU..........Even Warhead which is supposed to be better optimized to be played on current gen cards takes a massive hit when AA is cranked from 2x to even 8x with mainstreme graphic settings (which is the second level out of 4)at 1440@900. Its only at certain places I felt the ultra smoothness,other wise it was just playble with 2x AA on mainstreme settings. I had to switch off AA completely in order to run game ultrasmoothly at gamer settings (3rd level). But without AA it was eating egg without salt, so I had to compromise on graphic sweet spot on this game under this config was 4x AA @1440x900 with mainstreme (2nd level) graphic settings.

I just wonder which SLI config (or may be quad SLI) can run warhead with 16xQ AA @ 1920x1080 res with enthuziatic(4th level) graphic settings......:smile:

And people, i agree with you.. That's what the title suggests... I know it's just not possible.. But it's happening....


Aspiring Novelist
Well from his 3rd screenshot, it appears that the AA hasn't taken effect.Look at the tree edges & they are all heavily jagged.Something seems fishy out here.Anyway might just give it a try but 1024x768 on my monitor is a serious mess.Any resolution besides 1280x1024 ends up badly cropped on my screen.


Broken In
mmm well I did notice the trees but then the water of the sea does seems to reflect AA..........?? This cropping thing does not happen with me. I mean even though I am playing at widescreen, changing res to 1024x768 does not atleast crop the still plays at full screen albeit with some blurryness (that too is more noticed in menu navigation). The game was obviously looking better even though it was not running at my native res as the AA was all cranked up with highest settings............

I know that guys... You might as well check out the pistol in the 5th screen shot.. But still i've set it at 16x.. Was looking around at some screenshots on and there were jagged edges all over the place.. Including trees.. It's all very uneven. Some things are smooth while some aren't...

can you load FRAPS and then post the screenshots with the same setting. That would give us exact FPS.

@sam9s.. How do i do that?? Can't i just run the benchmark utility that's provided with the game?? Or how do i record a video?

Er... Can somebody explain me what this anti-aliasing does in layman's language? :|

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Aspiring Novelist
Oh yes of course.How can I forget the official benchmarking utility.:D

Here's the link:


MMO Addict
Does not look like any AA in there. Here are my settings: 1680X1050 Medium

Without AA: I get avg 30fps

With 2X AA: 15fps avg


Aspiring Novelist
That's what I am talking about.Even the slightest amount of AA being applied gives a massive hit & the frame rates just take a nose dive.For me I can manage with everything on high and with 2X AA averaging to 34Fps.But with 4X AA it just crawls.:(


Broken In
I just messed around with crysis to make it ultra high. Here's the link.

And i used the benchmarking tool given by allwyndlima

Here's the result at Ultra High with 16x AA

9/28/2008 9:34:22 PM -
Beginning Run #1 on Map-island, Demo-benchmark_gpu
DX9 1024x768, AA=16x, Vsync=Disabled, 32 bit test, FullScreen
Demo Loops=1, Time Of Day=18
Global Game Quality: High
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 95.23s, Average FPS: 21.00
Min FPS: 15.52 at frame 1954, Max FPS: 29.27 at frame 990
Average Tri/Sec: -7768280, Tri/Frame: -369889
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -2.48
TimeDemo Play Ended, (1 Runs Performed)

Completed All Tests


9/28/2008 9:34:22 PM -

Run #1- DX9 1024x768 AA=16x, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Last Average FPS: 21.00
Please note. Here High=Ultra High. Now my games's all messed up.. Will re-install it tomorrow in Vista and bench it and give you the results.

That's what I am talking about.Even the slightest amount of AA being applied gives a massive hit & the frame rates just take a nose dive.For me I can manage with everything on high and with 2X AA averaging to 34Fps.But with 4X AA it just crawls.:(

I see why it's hard for anyone to believe me... I'm slowly resigning to the fact that AA is not working in mine... No other solution...
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