Isn't this obvious when they are with EA. Bioware also said earlier than ME3 would be the end of the series but they are making another, now Crysis. They just don't want to work on new projects at all, just the sequels and prequels. Now we are having lack of new game series but thankfully there are some developers who take it seriously and make new games for gamers. If any developer is with EA then first game could be awesome and then the game goes in yearly mill and DLC crap and then looses its charm.
EA is just a publishing partner, they don't have any kind of power over dictating Crytek, if they did, there would have been no New York setting for Crysis 2. Its similar to the relationship between Valve and EA. You know what, EA was initially against the New York setting for Crysis 2, thought it would be risky, but Crytek didn't give a crap and went ahead with it, dudes have got guts
IMO, I would give crytek a chance, they did make some mistakes with Crysis 2(bugs, ignoring the pc fanbase, cloning CoD's multiplayer) but at least they had the balls to go against the jungle setting that worked so well in the previous games, if EA had any say in that, they would have easily forced Crytek to set the sequel in the jungle. Coming to Crysis 3, they are definitely working on not offering the same $hit again, compare them to any other developer who makes yearly releases, at least Crytek is aiming for some variety, the varied environments concept in Crysis 3 definitely looks interesting.
Heard Crytek were going solo after Crysis 3. They said, they'll only make true F2P games. They said, they would break away from EA.
Yeah that's what I had heard too. Not sure about the F2P thing though, death of retail SP games?