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Crysis 2 tessellation: too much of a good thing? - The Tech Report - Page 1

A good read after a long long time. Sums up that excessive tessellation is not needed. Some pseudogamedevs won't believe this.

"We discover the world's greatest virtual concrete slab"


:mrgreen: :lol:

went to a friend's home and saw The Witcher 2 on high. Anyone here who thinks that The Witcher 2 looks better than Crysis 2???


Super Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for the link ico. Gives some good insight. I particularly like this:-



That's right. The tessellated water mesh remains in the scene, apparently ebbing and flowing beneath the land throughout, even though it's not visible. The GPU is doing the work of creating the mesh, despite the fact that the water will be completely occluded by other objects in the final, rendered frame. That's true here, and we've found that it's also the case in other outdoor areas of the game with a coastline nearby.

Obviously, that's quite a bit needless of GPU geometry processing load. We'd have expected the game engine to include a simple optimization that would set a boundary for the water at or near the coastline, so the GPU isn't doing this tessellation work unnecessarily.

"Water, water, everywhere...". :D


nice article....i recall few ppl saying tesselation is future of gaming etc. - it depends on how u optimize. too much is not required...unnecessary waste of gpu horsepower like the article concluded...


Super Moderator
Staff member
Is that bad optimization from Crytek or are they just trying to show nVIDIA in better light? ;)


Ambassador of Buzz
whats with the bright white environment??
its like nothing ever happened to New York! Crysis2 developers intended to display post apocalyptic scenes and terrors caused by aliens.
Bright is much brighter, dark is much darker in all levels.
Only, thing notable is the detailed wood and surface textures.
Original crysis2 with DX11 texture pack still offers best visuals as per storyline.
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