gxsaurav said:
when the CPU is undervolted, it is not getting enough power to work at the full clock speed, which will lead to short life span & more heat generation, over volting & underolting both cab harm,
Let me try to explain u what undervolting and overvolting is all about, and then may be u'll understand why undervolting does not harm.
Have u seen a sine wave, consider the graph sin(x), now if i draw a line y=1 then this graph will touch this line periodically, if it touches say 1 otherwise 0, consider cpu voltage operating like a wave like this, in perfect world it should touch when needed, i mean we mark 0 and 1 by voltage fluctuation, if it's above some voltage we call it one otherwise 0, now, since the world is not perfect, we keep a threshold voltage to differenciate, now if i overclock, the frequency of voltage fluctuation will increase, thereby decreasing the efficiency, so there can be a time when it does not cross the threshold voltage where it should have been in ideal world, so what we do is increase the voltage to the cpu so that it invariably crosses the threshold voltage because now it has to rise to a higher voltage because we have increased the voltage, this will improve the working, but we are bound to limitations, so my friend gxsaurav, this will cause temperature problems, because voltage is increased, more power is generated, (I hope u know the formula of poewer

) , on ther other hand, decreasing the voltage decreases the heat produced, decreasing the temperatures, but this will also cause instability because we will more often not cross the threshold voltage at higher frequencies my friend, I hope u get my point and u will not again suggest a person that undervolting can harm cpu, Infact it assures more life of ur cpu, Only thing is, check for the "Stability".